Latest Toby Update ( new pictures 9/13 )



  • edited November -1
    Looks like he was having a blast! That dog park is really nice.
  • edited November -1
    Super cute...looks like a mix of a Shiba-Simba from lion king.
    Looks like a movie star.
  • edited November -1

    Heres the latest photo of Toby I took. Hes so good at his sit/down stays. xD He was laying down for a good 5 minutes, of course ... he wouldn't get up when I released him from it. Guess he was enjoying the sun. :)
  • edited November -1
    Toby is so cute!
  • edited November -1
    He's very cute indeed! I like his expression!
  • edited November -1
    Toby looks great! His coloring is sooo cool. Is he getting darker?
  • edited November -1
    Yup, much darker. :) It doesn't look like it too much cause of the exposure from the sun, but thats from this morning.
  • edited November -1
    his coloring is awesome!
  • edited November -1
    Toby's gorgeous. love his coloring!
  • edited November -1
    Wow-- reminds of that John Lennon song, "beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy"...
  • edited November -1
    Of course, I have some new photos to post. It was a beautiful day outside, so I took a few quick snaps of him in the yard. He loves it outside. We were laying in the grass a while before my mom got home.

    He met another Shiba at the dog park yesterday, and today! The owners tonight were kinda ... snobby, but the ones the other night were very nice, and were going through exactly the same stuff we are currently going through. It was so awesome to connect with the owners and actually get what they were talking about. The other dog owners don't quite understand when I mention that he never stops running around like crazy, he never wants me to catch him, ignores me and does his own thing, and likes playing chase instead of listening and coming . The other owners at the park think its funny! :(

    So, heres some photos of Toby now! :)

  • edited November -1
    Such a cutie! I hate to sound like broken record, but I love his coloring! :-)
  • edited November -1
    wow, Steph! What a wonderful dog you have! His coloring is going to make the lady shibas swoon!
  • edited November -1
    Ah, the broken record stuff is totally cool. xD Even I ramble on about how pretty I think he is all the time! And he knows it. Hes such a cuddly little Shiba. :) We were downstairs watching tv for an hour and he was just laying on his back, letting me rub his tummy. Hes incredibly snuggly. I mean, he likes his distance, but when hes really tired and drowsy, he just wants to cuddle. Its so cute. :D
  • edited November -1
    He is beautiful. Lucky you to have a nice dog park. He looks like he is thoroughly enjoying himself with the other dogs.
  • edited November -1
    Does he do the ear licking thing?

    Moto will lie on the back of my couch and lick my ears until I just can't take it anymore.
  • edited November -1
    Yes, I am so happy that we have such a great dog park, right down the road. Its barely 2 miles away. Its very great, I take him almost everyday. Hes great with all the other dogs. :) I think I did a decent job socializing him. I tried -everything- when he was a puppy, I took him everywhere. Hes really not too afraid of much, which makes me happy. He can be somewhat cautious, though. When I first took him to the park, he didn't play much, and just watched. I think he fits in great, now. I see most of the same people/dogs everyday, so its good that hes making some friends, that he sees more than just once.

    And I don't just let him play with the little dogs. Occasionally i'll put him in with the large dogs. He really isn't afraid of them, and fits in with just about any dog. But, if the big guys get too rough, I do put him back in with the little guys. The other day he was playing with Leonbergers ( theres a toon of them at the park, everyday ), some Shepherds, and Labs.
  • edited November -1
    He pretty much gives me a bath. I can get annoyed being coated in saliva, so I'll put him on the floor, or just move my arm away or something. xD
  • edited November -1
    He is really handsome!
  • edited November -1
    I love Toby's coloring and his mask - it so striking!
  • edited November -1
    I know these are a little old; Toby has gotten more fur around his neck and such but ... its just shocking how fast he grew in just a few months. It felt like just yesterday ( January ) I picked him out and started visiting him at the breeders. :) The breeder even called the other week to see how he was doing ... :D Such a nice lady.

  • edited November -1
    awww, he was a chubby little pup huh? Very cute. :-)
  • edited November -1
    .. VERY chubby. xD

    ( He looks like a Shar-pei in the last picture )

    ... he came from a litter of two. xD Him and his brother were super plump.
  • edited November -1
    He was really plump! How cute... Toby is awesome... <3
  • edited November -1
    I have no baby pictures of Jake, having gotten him at 4.5 months. Sad to miss out on that. What a handsome little devil in deguise you got there:-) Pure Shiba.
  • edited November -1
    I love seeing shiba puppies - echoing Scarlet, I got Jazz at four, so I never saw the puupy part.
  • edited November -1
    Aww. Shiba puppies are cute. I remember when we went to go visit the breeders for the first time and saw him when he was only a week old. Very tiny little guy. Later on, someone backed out of the reserve for him ( how could anyone? Hes such a cutie ) and we called and picked him when we got to go up and visit him. I just remember going up to visit him for the first time, and he showered me with kisses. Also, the mother was apparently the nicest shiba there ( and her name was Shiba xD ) she didn't snap or anything, she was really interested in seeing us everytime we came. I visited him every single weekend until he came home.
  • edited November -1
    Sadly, he'll have to stay at home. :( But, I don't know what i'll do my 2-4 years. I do plan on coming home alot. The college i'm going to is only an hour away. It'll be a lot of extra gas -- but I don't care. I wish I could take him with me, I can't have pets in my dorm.
  • edited November -1
    Heres a few more pictures of him as of late. Hes 6 months old, now! :) Hes becoming such a cute little man. Hes definitely been filling out more, that extra skin on his back has to go somewhere. xD

  • edited November -1
    WOW!!!! Toby is such a beautiful sesame boy! He has the sesame chest "V" that kitsune has, too! I love it!
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