Latest Toby Update ( new pictures 9/13 )



  • edited November -1
    Awww *melts*
  • edited November -1
    He's such a dude! His sesame is really filling in huh?
  • edited November -1
    I love sesame shibas. So handsome.
  • edited November -1
    He's absolutely gorgeous! He looks really happy too :)~
  • edited November -1
    Awww what a lad!! he looks great!!! that very first pic...hahhaha brilliant!!! shibas rule!!! wish we had a big enclosed park for runaway dogs in scotland...maybe there is a fenced off place somewhere i just have to find it.... happy shiba times.. x
  • edited November -1
    ... I thought this was adorable so, I decided to throw it on here. :)

  • edited November -1
    Toby is lovely. You sound like you are having so much fun with him.
  • edited November -1
    His 'widow's peak' is really handsome on his face!
    Wait until he blows his coat - these sesames are like chameleons! Kitsune will get furminated and have a bunch of red shine through than a couple days later he's very very dark again!!
  • edited November -1
    Toby is great, he's extremely good looking and has a great expression.
  • edited November -1
    He is so handsome, I really have never seen a Shiba that looks like Toby... he is REALLY good looking! I swear he is like 1/25 Shikoku! lol

  • edited November -1
    Yeah ... I have noticed that he is very different from most Red Sesame Shibas that go with the standard. nn; Its very uneven and obviously the reddest part on him is his head! :)
  • edited November -1
    A very lovely dog. It's been a pleasure to "grow up" with her.

  • edited November -1
    I <3 Toby!
  • edited November -1
    Coloring or not, that is one perfect Shiba face.
  • edited November -1
    Brad, I agree. Toby has very similar markings to Miko. She does look like she has a good deal Shikoku in her
  • edited June 2008

    Toby's Approach Pack from Ruffwear came in the mail the other day, and of course he had to try it on. :) I'm training him with it totally empty right now. He is sooo much easier to control with this on him. Even though its a backpack, it also makes a very excellent harness! :D And he also walks a lot slower with it on. I've been taking him for short walks around the block, and it doesn't really seem to bother him at all.

    In this picture, hes also sporting his Cooling Bandana. They actually work quite handy. :)

    Haha. Toby is a Shikoku in a Shiba's body. 83
  • edited November -1
    so handsome!! he looks like he feels important with it (pack) on.
  • edited November -1
    He looks so proud like he is a big boy now!
  • edited November -1
    Seriously, he does look super proud!

    I'm pretty excited that Lucy's approach pack will be here tomorrow. Its going to take me a while to get her used to it I'm sure. We're going to start with her just laying down and having it ontop of her and getting lots of treats before we even try to put it on her. I'll post a photo in a few weeks of her wearing for comparison purposes. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Really? All I did was slide it on him and praise him. Besides that, he didn't fight with it, he didn't bite it. He has lots of different harnesses, so i'm sure it felt just like the rest. xD He has a car seat harness, his gentle leader ...
  • edited November -1
    That's awesome he took to it so easily. Lucy HATED her ruffwear harness (which I have since given to Joey since it was too big for her). I got her one size smaller so I'm hoping she won't be as upset about it this time around. But Lucy has always preferred a collar to a harness, so its going to take some work.
  • edited June 2008
    That's GREAT! He really does look proud... he's so freaking cute!

    Good call on starting with it empty, you may also want to add some light weight stuff that makes noise too - that way he gets used to it making noise... this was a big obstacle for Ahi.

    Ruffwear gear is pretty nice, huh?

  • edited November -1
    What a stylin' guy! Such a ham for the camera.
  • edited November -1
    It's like he knows how good looking he is.
  • edited November -1
    Brad, Ruffwear gear is awesome! They are totally selling an image with the product to back it up. Too bad their customer service is horrendous. If they didn't have such sweet gear, I wouldn't even consider them anymore.
  • edited November -1
    At first I got one, and it was too small ... sent it back, I don't think I got my money back yet. The girth measurements on Ruffwear's site were incredibly confusing, but I still had to pay shipping to send it back, and shipping for a new one. I wasted 10 dollars. Least they could do was reimburse a portion, but I guess it was simply my fault all together.
  • edited November -1
    wow - we have had an exact opposite experiences with their customer support! We purchased one of their dog beds, the really really big one - its not cheep and after a few washes the zipper broke...

    We called them and they sent us a new cover and let us keep the old one! That's like a $70 value! Free shipping and everything!

  • edited November -1
    Wow Brad, I think you're lucky. It took me five or six emails and three phone calls before I could get the cost of Lucy's collar reimbursed. This was after they admitted to knowing that they were having staining problems with the collars. I know Romi hasn't been particularly happy with them either. But damn they have sweet gear!
  • edited November -1
    All I had to do was email customer service once, they gave me a return #, but they said I have to pay for all shipping. I got two day shipping to send the damn thing back, and I didn't even get my money back in my account for it. ( It was sent back a week and a half ago ). My mom had to call in and see why I haven't gotten the money back yet, so the guy went to the returns thing and found it, and said he'd process it. Don't you think it would've been processed the second it got there ...? Little lazy, I think. Awesome products, but unless you know exactly what size you need, ect. Then don't buy. Otherwise you'll end up in hell trying to return the thing.

    Also, on another note ... has anyone ever noticed Toby's feet? They aren't all too weird ... but, I thought Shibas were supposed to have all black nails or something. Toby has half black, half white. His paw pads are spotted. :D heehee.


    aand his back. I always show photos of his face, and never really any good shots of his sesame back. His tail sticks out to much, barely any red at all. :)
  • edited November -1
    tsuki (cream) has black and pink spotted pads and all clear nails, kitsune (sesame) has all black pads with mostly clear nails except for 4 of them, hachi (black and tan) has all black pads and all black nails.

    I think it varies!

    I love toby's coloring, i keep saying it - but i mean it, he is such a handsome shiba!!!!
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