Latest Toby Update ( new pictures 9/13 )



  • edited November -1
    I love the spotty pads. :) I think its so cute. Cept having different coloured nails is hard to trim. D: I can't do them myself. I do the cat's nails, but not Toby's.
  • edited November -1
    do you take him somewhere?
  • edited November -1
    Yup. My friend who also owns a Shiba clips his nails. :) Since she knows how to handle him best, I can really only trust her. He went from screaming his head off at his first clipping ... and now hes starting to be alright with it, occasionally squirms, but I think he's given up the fight.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that's impressive. Ask your friend what her secret is and please share!
  • edited November -1
    Wow - I mean... I know I bring this up ALL THE TIME, but... Toby's resemblance to a Shikoku is just so crazy... I mean his tail looks EXACTLY like Ahi's and Loa's tail! Even his mask is very Shikoku-Ken... crazy!

    He is super handsome and cute. IMG_2534

    Loa's mask:

    Ahi's tail and mask [and bald leg]:

    Where did you get Toby? Was he a rescue? His head shape and body shape is 100% Shiba imo - his coloring is just so similar to a Shikoku! It's really cool!

  • edited November -1
    I actually got him at a local breeder in Ephrata, PA ( ). She breeds all 4 colours and such, but even the mother looked a lot like Toby. ... so, i'm not sure. His brother was a cream, though. So, he didn't have any siblings that looked like him.

    I just wanted a super pretty Red Sesame! Now i'm kinda glad I chose him over the other Red Sesame ( from the other litter ). Someone backed out on a deposit on him, and i'm not sure why! Hes so handsome. :)

    Probably not the best place to get a Shiba ... but, the dogs were all AKC registered, their kennels were very clean, and they had lots of fenced in yard for them to run in ( they lived on a 70 acre farm ). The family was really nice ( they had children that played with all the puppies, too ), as was the woman who breeds them. I still keep in touch with the breeder, she loves hearing from me and wants to always know how hes making out. You can definitely tell she cares about them. She ships puppies to CA and FL, ect and i'm not sure if she ever hears much back from them. :( I try to email her every other month or so.
  • edited November -1
    Lally Shibas seems like one of the better breeders in the Eastern PA area - I visited her kennel 2 years ago when we were thinking about getting a shiba. She was awesome. And their kennel was very nicely kept and big.
    I didn't know Toby was a Lally Shiba!! It is such a small world!

    Toby is Loa's mini me.
  • edited June 2008
    Yeah, I was really surprised at how well kept everything was there. And all the Shibas there were just calling out to me! I actually had originally put a deposit on ... another litter ( to have pick of a litter of 5 that was born a week later after I chose Toby ) but I saw Toby's photo on the website, and my heart melt. And I was impatient and didn't want to wait another 2-3 months for a puppy. xD

    That was his picture on the website;

    And whats even more funny is that the kennel is named after their dog named Shiba ( registrated as Lallys Shiba ) and thats his mommy. :) heehee.
  • edited November -1
    Well I think you lucked out on Toby - I think he is just REALLY cool! If you even need someone to watch him just let us know. :o)

  • edited November -1
    edit - I meant ever, not even.
  • edited November -1
    LOL. Well, if you don't mind crossing the country to get him, i'm sure he could spend the night! ;D I'd love to come see your doggies someday! :O Maybe i'll move out west ... haha.
  • edited November -1
    Heres some new photos of him. :) I'll be adding more from today, I plan to take him to the dog park.


    He went camping last week. I wish I got to go. D:

  • edited November -1
    I just took him out and got a few great photos. :) Its funny, he usually darts outside and goes nuts, but with the pack on ... he's obedient and serious ... and doesn't run around like a maniac. He stared at the neighbor's dog for like 5 minutes and did nothing about it. He thinks he's total awesome wearing a pack. Toby is king when packing.


    -If- I take him to the show tomorrow, i'll grab photos of him there, too.
    The person e-mailed me back and recommended not to bring along a dog, especially if they overreact or anything, but the thing is -- I was going to bring him with his pack on. He's a people hog, and loves getting attention ( and photos ) with total strangers. He's very friendly with people, and other dogs.

    I think what they're concerned about is dogs that generally overreact/bark/make noises that would generally disrupt the show. But, I guess the final decision is my father's. He'll probably tell us not to bring Toby, but then we'll end up seeing a million dogs there anyways and i'll feel bad for not bringing him or something.
  • edited November -1
    He is a very handsome boy. I simply love his coloring.

    Seeing him with people makes him look more shiba size.
  • edited November -1
    I measured/weighed him today. He's about 17-18 inches at the shoulders and is 32 lbs. He's getting up there!
  • edited November -1
    That is a big shiba. Are you tall?

    Regardless, he is super cute.
  • edited November -1
    Awww, he looks so cute between your legs in that first shot. And I love the second one of him in his pack. With his tongue out its like hes saying "haha, I've got one and you don't :-P".

    I hope you get to bring Toby tomorrow, I'm sure he'll love it!
  • edited November -1
    the 2nd one with his back on is absolutely fabulous!!
  • edited November -1
    Well. ... i'm like 5'6''. He still looks tiny next to me.

    Aww. My dad just said we're not taking him. :( I wanted to take him so he could have fun on Sunday, too. He's just gonna be cooped up in his crate all day. No ones going to be home to play with him.

    This was the e-mail I got back from one of the people in charge:
    "It is not recommended to bring an unentered dog to any show. They are not used to all the sights/sounds of a show and can get upset over the change of atmosphere. If this occurs, you will not be able to comfortably watch everything that is going on, the safety of your dog and others can be compromised and the total experience cannot be fully appreciated. There is also the danger of leaving your dog in a car that can get overheated in a short period of time. If at all possible, please leave your dog at home for the comfort and safety of all involved.

    Thank you"

    I dunno. To me, it says not to bring your dog, but at the same time she didn't say it wasn't allowed. Which was the question I had asked. I'm going to feel really terrible tomorrow going up if I see people with their dogs at the show, too. x(
  • edited November -1
    I can't remember if I commented on this or not. Dog shows tend to discourage you from bringing your pets, mostly because they're worried of your dog bothering the show dogs. This can cause some very irate [human] contestants. Even if they outright said "no pets allowed" people will still bring their dogs. You will see other dogs there. Don't feel bad, you're following the rules. ^^
  • edited November -1
    Yes, I know several dog shows (other than the one at Kutztown) that also have discouraged people from bringing dogs that would not be showing. It seems pretty standard.

    Toby looks great and he does have a very Shikoku coat (I am late to this thread!). And he is a big Shiba. Maybe one day you and I can meet up and my Shikoku and Toby can play. They are actually quite close in size (Kuma is 19.5 inches and 34 lbs). :-)
  • edited November -1
    Ah well. Toby will enjoy a quiet day at home. I doubt my mom will do much with him. She has a broken leg. :(

    haha! I think that would be fun. I didn't realize how small Kuma was, he looks so darn big in that one video ... x)
    Toby would probably still look a little small next to him, but Toby is all muscle and fur. And very playful.
  • edited November -1
    So cute :o ~
  • edited November -1
    toby is a cute boy. :)
  • edited November -1
    Of course he is! ;) heehee.
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