Ryu and Roxy Adventures (New Spam 8/18)



  • edited November -1
    Hey Pam,
    If Roxy loves to chase you, maybe if as soon as you see Ryu take it from Roxy, you can give chase to Ryu to kinda show her what he wants her to do? Just a thought.

  • edited November -1
    Kristin has it - its a play tactic. I think its sweet that Ryu is acting like a puppy again to please her :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited January 2009
    I'm glad you think its cute Jen :D hehe. I'm so new at this!

    Alright, I tried to catch it on video but he doesn't do it on record! Here are my futile attempts:

    In this video, he takes the toy and then keeps it. LOL Should I take it from him to give back to her?

    Ice cube wars - Right before I started filming, I gave them both an ice cube each. Ryu took his into the dining room, dropped it and came back into the kitchen to steal Roxy's. So I lead Roxy to Ryu's "leftover" and he follows us. After he finishes Roxy's ice cube, he steals his original one back! So I go back into the kitchen and get a new one for Roxy (who, by this time, has lost all interest in the ice cube) which Ryu steals again.
  • edited November -1
    you realize they are shiba inus, right?? j/k, I know you do, but seriously, get used to it!
    Tsuki sounds like the devil when she steals Kitsu's stuff and claims it. We'll even give them both a treat, Tsuki will drop hers, taunt Kitsu with it, he'll drop his, she'll take it then stand over hers and make sounds only the devil could appreciate until she's done with both. Shibas = mine, everything and anything = mine.

    Unless one is getting visibly stressed by the fact of stealth and mineness, I wouldn't intervene. Its the natural shiba way. I could be totally wrong, but all the shibas we've observed are like this. All.
  • RyuRyu
    edited January 2009
    Whew. Ok, I feel better now :) haha Thanks Jen!

    Here's a play video I took this afternoon. Sorry that it's so dark - they picked the darkest place in my office! It sounds horrible but I'm (pretty) sure they're playing LOL

  • edited November -1
    This is all amazing spam! They are super cute together - the snuggle pics in the car are so sweet!

    I think this is one of my fav. threads now. :o)

    [congrats on the wholesale order too!]

  • edited January 2009
    You should see the lengths Joey goes to try to get Lucy to play. He will walk up and gently rub his butt against her head and she will ignore him. He will straddle her and sit on her head and she will wriggle to get away and then ignore him. He will bring a toy to her at full tilt and stop about 2 inches from her which usually gets him a correction and nothing else. He will run circles around her and she will just ignore him. I've even seen him jump over her and she just growls.

    In this house, Lucy is the one that takes toys, only she has stopped because Joey always chases her and she isn't into playing...just taking the toys.

    I agree with Jen, just let them sort it out. If Roxy wants something, she'll put up a fight. As long as they remain civil to each other, let them sort things out.

    BTW, I love your sigh after Ryu takes Roxy's ice cube the 17th time. :-)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    LOL can you tell I was getting a little frustrated? :)

    Well, after numerous play sessions today, the puppies were pretty tired.

    Roxy stole Ryu's bed (1 point!)

    So, he was left with the cubbyhole underneath my desk. I put some padding there for him...but he wasn't interested:

    My babies are so cute :)
  • edited November -1
    Yes, Yes they are!!!!!!! :D
  • edited November -1
    yeah, in the last video you posted - that sounds like all play. Hectic, but all play.

    They really learn a lot about each other and dog-dog communication in general when you let them safely sort it out. I found that to be crucial when we recently dog sat for 3 different dogs over the holidays, the first an 'only child' cairn who takes a few days to get used to the rules of the shibas - she's even more "mine" than they are! Then two older dogs that we met for the first time while sitting for them, a bearded collie (male) and red heeler (female), the heeler did NOT tolerate Tsuki at all because of her energy level, but Tsuki was learning boundaries from her interactions with the heeler, so I let it go until it became uncivil - which it didn't - they learn so much from each other, more than even I understand.
  • edited November -1
    That is exactly how Copper and Naiya(Roxy's sister) play! When we first brought her home, he wanted to eat her :) But he got over it and now protects her from the attention starved Takara. I LOVE Ryu! Ever since the meetup, Aaron and I talk about how awesome he is!!

    PS...Roxy and Naiya look almost identical!!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Time for an update on my babies! :)

    Roxy got spayed today and my bad speuter luck has ended its streak! :) Her spay went fabulously and she's doing great. They gave her the benefit of the doubt and didn't cone her. After watching her like a hawk for 5 hours, she still hasn't attempted to lick her incision. Hopefully she'll prove her mama wrong and stay away from it :)

    Here are some pics from the last week or so:

    Stop with the pictures mom!

    Begging from dad:

    Ryu doing a down-stay and Roxy being bad!

    Play pictures in S.C.:

    First cuddling pics!

    And especially for Dave and LJ :D
  • edited November -1
    Haha-those are cute. What cute little snugglers.
  • edited November -1
    Awww, they look like they are doing great! Is she growing already? She looks bigger to me.

    I love the play shots from S.C. The essence of Shiba play. :-)

    I'll refrain from commenting on the last picture. :-P
  • edited November -1
    I'm pretty sure that last pic is consider animal cruelty in at least 49 states.
  • edited November -1
    Awwww!!!! I love the snuggly pictures! & Roxy has such a sweet face~! ~
  • edited November -1
    They are so freaking adorable. And Roxy looks like she is getting bigger! Cuties!
  • edited November -1
    They're so cute together!
    It's great to see them getting along so well!
  • edited November -1
    oh my goodness! The playing and cuddling pics are awesome!

    Glad her spay went well!
  • edited November -1
    They are so cute Pam!! I can't wait to see you all at the next meetup...hopefully it will be warmer :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Thanks all! They are the cutest pair :) I giggle everyday at those two...

    BTW, Roxy is going to give me a heart attack! I CANNOT keep her from jumping up and down and rough playing with Ryu! I thought my biggest problem would be keeping Ryu from tackling her but its the opposite. Yesterday afternoon, I would tell him "No, Roxy can't play with you right now" so he pretty much quit inviting her to play. This morning, Roxy keeps biting his ankles and neck to get him to play. Poor Ryu looks up at me like "Can we play now? I thought you said no?" LOL And if I separate them, I have to deal with both scratching and crying through the baby gates. They are driving me CRAZY LOL
  • edited November -1
    I love that first pic of Roxy covering her face. So sweet. They look amazing together.

    Puppies are resilient and can handle themselves really well. Definitely keep an eye on their play, but I think Roxy will be able to handle herself. Besides, Ryu is such a good pup who listens when you feel he's overstepped.
  • edited November -1
    I had the same problem with Nola's spay. After a couple of days, I just told them to have at it. I just watched to make sure there were no stray paws near her incision. Bella actually did really well with keeping the play to a minimal level. Just nawing at each other's faces and what not.

    Roxy is super cute. I love the picture with her covering her face. :) And the snuggles! Adorable.
  • edited November -1
    The third from last pics is GREAT. They look to be doing very well! :o)

    Roxy is super cute!

    side: Pam - I was kinda disappointed you didn't enter into the calendar thread the pic of Ryu sleeping in his bowl as a puppy. That's one of my most fav. pics. :o)

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Brad, I know! That is a good one. I transferred all my pics onto the hard drive before leaving for the holidays and didn't have access to them :) Although, that might have been a good thing because I wouldn't be able to choose!
  • edited November -1
    Pam...Naiya was the same way!! We crate her at night and when we are gone...but when she is out she is a mad women. If we gated her off, she has this terrible high pitched bark thing. UGGHHH....it took 3 weeks for her stitches to heal up...oops. Our vet said it was OK, but not recommended, oh well.

    Beth warned us that these girls were little demons!
  • edited November -1
    love the pictures!
  • RyuRyu
    edited January 2009
    videos of Roxy being Roxy...

    First harassing Ryu to play and as soon as I turn my back....she starts chewing on my chair!!!

    Poor Ryu...
  • edited November -1
    Whoa, Roxy has quite a bark for a little girl!

    And the second one, you know Ryu loves it. :-P
  • edited November -1
    LoL. are you sure they spayed her Pam? Are you sure they didn't just paint little black marks on her tummy to make it look like she had surgery? She's a spunky gal!

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