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  • For what it's worth, I agree that Tamaskans look a bit more like actual wolves: (Image) (click to open larger image in a new window) Even so, the Utonagan in the video appears to be a lovely, happy dog. It sounds a lot like what you might get in …
    in Utonagan Comment by Stranger May 2010
  • It's great to hear there is still some hope for Twix! You have been through so much with her, it would be very sad if you could not keep her.
  • @Brad -- the actual article I found initially had so little info (it was in a "news for kids" website--go figure) it is hardly worth the bother: http://juniorsbook.com/activity_workshop.asp?aid=3410 It references a site, fontanka.ru, tha…
  • I see your point about that phrase in the breed description--it is all over the place, word for word. I expect most of the writers using the phrase "This dog is the most protective dog breed that is not aggressive" are copying a statement …
  • ...There are breeds that are WAY LESS hyper-type than the Neo with WAY MORE health issues than the Neo ... I wasn't meaning to single out the Neo as some kind of notable crime against nature. I just meant if it is prone to accidentally biting itself…
  • Any dog that has been bred to exaggerate physical characteristics which impair their health or ability to do perform natural dog behaviors (like biting without injuring themselves) kind of bugs me, but hate would be a bit strong, maybe mild disappro…
  • Those are good shots. Eye matters more than camera (especially since my camera is a point and shoot with delusions of grandeur ;) ). I especially like the second one.
  • Mostly I just lurk here, not having a dog of my own to post spam or tales of canine misadventure about. I did take some photos (and videos) at the dog beach in the local park here in Brooklyn. I mostly use a Panasonic LX3 and I totally have Full Fra…
  • 1) Brooklyn Tennis Ball Retriever * 2) GSD 3) Schipperke 4) Husky 5) Samoyed These at least, the ones that I have some direct experience with friend's dogs if not my own. If I was including interesting dogs I have never had prolonged contact with …
  • He's awesome. I especially love the intense concentration he brings to his dirt nudging. an Artist at work!
  • My feeling is that real "guard dogs" are made, not born. Some dogs have strong guarding instincts, but for a family dog without special training, this is as likely to be a potential problem (aggressive barking, or worse behavior, towards h…
  • This dog park dude sounds like he has a death wish (or at least a finger-removal wish). I have occasionally patted a dog without asking first (when it ran up to me, ears down, tail wagging etc) but even then it was a reflexive impulse which I regret…
  • irrespective of what breed(s) it is, it's a pretty dog. Hope it finds a good new home.
  • Poor girl! Hope she is back and getting into trouble again soon.
  • "How, with all this, is he going to have time to own a dog, especially one that's as high-maintenance as a strong-willed Shiba?" I doubt he will have much to do personally with training or caring for the dog, whether it is a Shiba or som…
  • I knew a dog that seemed to be able to eat bees without being visibly harmed, I am not sure how that worked but she would snag them out of the air. Is Puff Baby feeling better yet?
  • You definitely need new puppy sitters, but it sounds to me like this is an issue that transcends dog-raising. They basically decided to ignore your wishes/instructions and then even lectured you about how much better their ideas were! This is simply…
  • @Lisa: I realize that not every shiba is as eager to escape as the Cooler King--they are all different. Most, as you say are only likely to go rushing off in pursuit of prey. Some shibas, however, especially in rescues, are described as "door b…
  • I used to backpack with "my" dog (I rescued him off the street, but my camping-buddy gave him his permanent home). We didn't take much more than his food, some dishes and a leash. He stayed inside the tent with us to sleep. He wasn't a Shi…
  • Jabba the Pup? A lovable, furry ball of cuteness, either way.
  • What a handsome little boy! You should take pictures of him in kodachrome (while there is still some left).
  • I sent an email to the address on the NYCshiba rescue via their contact form a day or so ago--didn't hear back. It's possible their form is malfunctioning or that they don't check it regularly (or that they are on top of it and just didn't get back…