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  • Turns out that Ishi has a sense of humour too. This morning he walked into my room, came up to my bed (he knows he's not allowed on it), cuddled up as close as he could to my head, farted and then walked out for about 10 minutes and wouldn't come b…
  • (Image) (Image) I took Ishi to the beach today with a couple of friends of mine. He seemed to have a pretty good time and after telling them that he doesn't really like water, he jumped in up to his knees and starting chasing small crabs arou…
  • Oh yeah, he's getting tons of attention, not always good though. A lot of people think he's some kind of wolf and won't get hear him. He doesn't exactly look like a big scary dog, even after I tell them that he has no wolf in him and he's fine to …
  • I let Ishi go to the neighbours (they also have a fenced yard) to play with their (female) dog today. He did really well, they were running around having a great time.... UNTIL, he noticed that they had a rabbit pen. He ran at that pen so fast, th…
  • (Image) (Image) He seems to be a little more comfortable in the house now :)
  • I just picked Ishi up from surgery. Everything went well. He was still pretty out of it when I picked him up, and he walked around like he had been drinking. I actually had to carry him into the house. He's sleeping on the floor now.
  • Oh and Dave, he's only 3.5 years old. So, he's still in his teenage years. Little guy works just fine :)
  • Thanks everyone. Everything is still going quite well, but he's still not really eating. I hope he eats something, because after 8 tonight, I have to take his food from him as he's going in to get neutered tomorrow. I'm dropping him off at the ve…
  • I've been set for the last month or so, and since then I've just been waiting. I'm so excited, but a little nervous too. It does feel like it has kind of snuck up although the last couple of nights, I haven't got that much sleep, I feel like a kid…
  • Thanks everyone. After hearing what everyone has to say and speaking with the vet, I think I'm going to get it done the day after I bring him home. That actually works out pretty well anyway, because after that I will have 2 weeks off of work to …
  • Thanks everyone. I've got everything ready for him so far. The wait it tough, but it isn't too bad, because I'm really busy at work so for now I have somewhere else to focus my attention. Ask me again though, when it's only a week away :)
    in Ishi Spam Comment by chris08 July 2008
  • That's all I've got for now, but when he gets here I'll make sure it keeps coming.
    in Ishi Spam Comment by chris08 July 2008
  • Work: I am a police officer in British Columbia Play: Scuba diving, kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, fishing and just about anything else outside. I also enjoy yardwork and cooking (when I'm in the mood). I also love road trips on my days off …
  • Thanks everyone, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas right now. I'm going to keep his name the same, I like it a lot, and if he knows it anyway, it works out great.
  • I just found this thread so I thought I would add my two cents about using pepper spray to deter dogs.  I'm a police officer and have both used and been pepper sprayed (during our training they emptied an entire can right in our eyes, and we weren't…
  • I live in Powell River, British Columbia.  Just a one hour ferry ride away from Katja. 
  • I went over to visit Katja last weekend and see the puppies.  They are all so cute, and FULL of personality.  I'm so jealous of everyone who gets one, but I guess I'll have to wait my turn (the next litter I hope).
  • Hi, and welcom to the board from one new person to another.  I hope you enjoy your time in B.C. and the new addition to your family.
  • I can't wait to get my puppy.  I told Katja that I'm okay with a male or female, so I guess I'll have to wait and see.  It doesn't matter what I get, I'm sure it will be great.  The parents of the puppy will be Mike and I'm not too sure of the mothe…