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  • It's been 2 days, we are working with the clicker & her paws. It's going to take some time as we are going at it slowly. We practice 3 times a day for about 10 minutes. So far, so good. I leave a nail file laying where she can see it while we pr…
  • I love the video of Tucker! I will try it. As I said, she will allow me to massage her feet as long as I have nothing in my hand. I will try the clicker training for this, we use clicker training for everything else I can't believe I did't think abo…
  • No the muzzle was a very bad idea. She actually didn't seem to mind the muzzle, she stood still & let me put it on her. But when I try to clip a nail she goes insane and the 2 of us can't hold her. Part of our training from day one has been to l…
  • All very good tips, thank you. We have been practicing the come on a 25' lead, I call her then hubby ect.( during training sessions twice a day) She does it very well every time. I think it is the 'honeymoon" thing mentioned above because I wo…
  • Well I'm happy to report that Kylee seems to be back on track. It seems that when I give an inch she wants a mile so we're back to basics & everyone seems happy. I think she's just a bit more head strong than my last dog he was happy being numbe…
  • Congrats! He's beautiful! Oh, I guess I should say handsome :-)
  • Happy 4th Birthday Viggo! May you have many, many more!
  • Thanks for these comments. As soon as I read them I took Kylee up to see the vet. He checked her & said that all seems well with her hips, legs, back ect. He did also notice that she seems to be pushing her weight around a bit as opposed to the …
  • Well I think Kylee has lost her da*n mind. She knows several commands now, sit, stay, wait ect. For the last couple of days she acts like she doesn't know anything! I was putting her harness on her earlier today so we could go for a walk. She refuse…
  • I totally agree with that. As far as I'm concerned Kylee really only has to learn some basic manners & by doing that I think it will boost her self esteem. She is not a circus performer so she doesn't have to learn tricks to make me happy. I'm g…
  • Thank you Mdarius. I'm happy to hear of your success. I have no doubt that we will get there in time too. After yesterday at the trainer's I think we are also dealing with aggression toward other dogs. Kylee has been with dogs and seemed quite happy…
  • Good news, I finally found the woman that trained my dog 10 years ago. I just got off the phone with her & I'm very excited! She asked me to bring Kylee to her tomorrow so she can evaluate her then she'll decide which class to put her in. That's…
  • GGGRRR, bad day. I took Kylee to the vets office for a check up. He has been my vet for many, many years, this has just ended! He seemed very leery of Kylee & even though she was licking his hand and being very friendly, he said he wanted to muz…
  • That's the most beautiful 'chair' I've ever seen! :-)
  • Migoo, I'll try to clear up the confusion as I was quite emotional when I posted yesterday. I was talking about Kylees dog license. Here, every dog must be registered with the county and receive a license. ( if you don't get her license, you get a t…
  • Kylee oves her binky!
  • Kylee is in! We can email anywhere. She prefers soft toys ( but not picky) I'll email yu now.
  • Hi Migoo, I'm really glad to hear that Akita's are not feared in Sweden! Maybe someday America will wise up, but I doubt it. I had a VERY hard time just getting her licensed in my small community, with my last dog, Buddy (part Akita) I had no proble…
  • Hi Claire, Thanks for sending me here, I love it! Kylee is doing really well. We're making progress. I think some things will take time. Last night my hubby picked up his golf club to putt in the living room ( don't ask) anyway, when Kylee saw the g…
  • The place that I adopted her from basically said that she just rescues them & it's up to me to problem solve. At least she rescues them!
  • Thanks for the treat tip, I'll try it. That has been a problem because Kylee will eat her food but when it comes to training she's really not into treats, she always thinks she'll miss something. I don't give her any 'people' food & haven't foun…
  • Thanks, I have been thinking about a harness. Any suggestions? I looked at them but there's so many different kinds to choose from. I've never used a harness on any of my dogs but I do think it would be more comfortable for Kylees neck.
  • I think I set us back today. I took Kylee for a walk and she would not stop pulling. She's been doing really well on the leash but not today. I'm afraid I let myself get aggravated & I raised my voice, she hit the ground. She layed there shaking…
  • Thanks for the welcome & tips, I really feel more relaxed since I found this forum. I'm sick to death of how people react when they find out I adopted an Akita. I wanted to enroll us in obedience classes because I thought it would be good on man…
  • I have a question, not sure where to post it so.. Wondering if it's a normal Akita behavior, Kylee's favorite thing to do is to sit next to us (or on top of us) and she puts either our thumb or one of our fingers in her mouth & sucks on it like …
  • Thank you, it looks like I'm in the right place.