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  • He's absolutely beautiful!
  • very handsome guy! he looks like he's having fun
  • I'm not saying he is going to be put down- we haven't decided that yet. But the rescue is going to keep him at their facility until they find someone else to foster and work with him, or until we decide to put him down. they want me to have a say in…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. We are having one last session with the trainer this Sunday and then I am bringing him back to the rescue. I think he may be past the point of no return.
  • Tengu is constantly muzzled to make sure that he doesn't bite. Once I move at the end of this month, it will be the make-it-or-break-it point for him. If the rescue can find someone else to foster him, they will continue his rehabilitation. if not, …
  • Congrats!
  • wow, thanks a lot baanton! :-D My mom has a phobia of snakes. she would always try to keep me away from such 'critters', and say that they were awful and disgusting, but I liked them nevertheless. my dad liked them though, and promoted my interacti…
    in Some spam Comment by glacier August 2008
  • thanks everyone!
    in Some spam Comment by glacier August 2008
  • Here we go. I resized the images. in the last one that's Sasha sniffing him. she poked him with her nose, and a second after that photo was taken, Zeke flipped backwards away from her.
    in Some spam Comment by glacier August 2008
  • yup. reverse okatee albino
    in Some spam Comment by glacier August 2008