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  • I'm sorry but I don't really see the need for me to do it. My little guy is only around a few females who are all spayed, except for the dog park where he is always well supervised and we only visit maybe 3 or 4 times a year. He has never shown an…
  • So what exactly are all the benefits of neutering? I haven't gotten my shiba neutered and I haven't really planned on doing it. I know they can get cancer and to help with the pet population, but is that it?
  • I had a Puppia harness for my puppy. It was a mistake. He chewed straight through it with ease. It lasted around a month. I wouldn't get one for a puppy at all. I might get him another one when he gets at least 2 years old though because it loo…
  • i would recommend just getting the one you plan on using when she is an adult now and just use the divider. the pup will grow very fast. petco has them online with free shipping and 10% off. http://www.petco.com/product/13907/Midwest-Lifestages-D…
  • i would just get a nylon harness for the puppy until they are over 6 months old. i bought my shiba a puppia3 harness too early and the little maniac chewed threw it while i was in the shower one day. i would try to find one with metal buckles too.…
  • I didn't throw the treats away until they left. I think i might just have a problem with them. Whenever our dogs are over their house they are always trying to feed them food they've bought. My yorkipoo does fine on all the canned food and snacks…
  • I know it began with a "c". They added bacon flavor to the flagyl. It cost an extra $10. I wish they would have asked before they did that. That was lunch for a couple of days.
  • I took Kiyoshi to the vet and they said he had some type of a virus. I forgot what it was called but they said it is usually found in dirt or grass. He has been digging and eating things that he finds. They gave me some metronidazole and said he …
  • ok, i'll take him to the vet. I'm going to try and get him in over lunch depending on the weather. If its too bad i'll take him after work. he has plenty of water, he was drinking all night. i don't think he'll get dehydrated. He wasn't pooping…
  • 21 degrees here in Omaha, 9 degrees with the wind chill. My yorkipoo hates the cold weather. I took Kiyoshi outside and lunch and he seems to love it. He was laying in the grass like it was 75 degrees outside. He'll be out there alone though.
  • he is 20 weeks old. i took him around other dogs in the neighborhood, he was pretty good except for one big lab that he was scared of for some reason. I haven't put him in a class because he just got his rabies shot and he needed that before he co…
  • a normal day goes like this. we wake up and i take the two dogs out. when they get back in I feed them (in seperate rooms) while i'm getting ready for work. Then i take them outside and let them run around for about 15 minutes. I put him in his c…
  • We live in Omaha, NE. I can't wait for the first real snow we get, i think he'll have a ball. the harness is still a little big on him but in a week it'll fit perfectly.
  • i wasn't going to switch their food due to any allergies. i just want to give them a variety. so i just need to make sure that each one has around the same amount of calcium?
  • Is the high protein content good for puppies? what is a good percentage of fat content? most of the foods i'm thinking about are around 20%, is that too much for an overweight lazy dog.
  • ok, we have a camp bow wow in omaha. i didn't know they were everywhere.
  • what city is this place in?
  • I was reading this article earlier today about ancient dog breeds. It is more related to DNA testing though. I thought that Shibas and Akitas were considered primitive dogs from what i read though. http://www.britainhill.com/GeneticStructure.pdf
  • i read in one of my shiba books that pups go through a fear stage around 4-8 months old. i think mine must be doing that sometimes he'll just start acting scared when i walk by his crate. he'll start trying to bite my feet or hands with a little a…
  • I paid $800 for Kiyoshi and he came with an unlimited akc registration even though i don't plan on breeding or showing him. His shots average about $25 each, plus the 2 vet exam fees i had to pay. His crate was about $55. I've spent about $50 on …
  • we had just came in the house from our jog and he had a few treats prior also. He gets crazy every night around this time. it doesn't matter if food is around or not. i think he likes his "alone time"
  • my 17 week old is starting to calm down with his excessive chewing on things. he now likes to jump up on coaches and tables and lick beer bottles or whatever else he can. he still will chew on boxes or things he shouldn't though. i hope he isn't …
  • i think the hair on his head and back legs will eventually get more black. i can see little black hairs but its still real soft so i think its his puppy hair? Do you guys think he will shed his puppy coat this year or will he wait until the winter…
  • get some binaca and spray it in his mouth when he bites or chews on something he shouldn't. It worked with my puppy. he still will try and bite or chew until i pull it out and he immediately stops. he hates the taste. my yorkipoo is crazy and se…
  • i've tried to get video of him in his crazy state but he has been acting normal since he woke me up this morning. when i took them both out he even let the yorkipoo lick his face and smell his rear. he still won't stop trying to eat her food thoug…
  • i tried to take him out of his crate but whenever i come near it he barks and tries to bite. how long will it last? i don't think redirecting him will work. he seems really intent on biting someone.
  • ok, thanks for the advice. the spay/neuter clinic charges $55 without bloodwork and $175 with. it sounds like its necessary though.
  • my male shiba is 4 months old and im planning for his prcedure. the vet said i coulddo it with or without bloodwork. is the bloodwork necessary?
  • pedigree dog food! how could you do that to the poor puppy? there is nothing good about it. i hope u change ur mind soon. ur dog would love u for it.