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  • thanks ya'll!!! i am going to go ahead and start looking for a cardi breeder. i am a firm believer in that in the correct introductions and supervision, this pup will be a wonderful addition to my personal pack, and to the whole faimly dynamcis!! …
  • my husband asked me the same thing when i told him i wanted a cardi ( well first he had never heard of them, he though all corgis looked like the pembie)! i have actually been looking for a good agility/herding/possible show dog. and i've been rese…
  • i totally agree with you. for the past 10-12 years i have been in love and loved by the akita breed ever since my father introduced me to his friends pair. it was love at first sight. and when i hear such comments, its just a downer, becuase i kno…
  • i do agree a normal well adjusted dog wouldn't hurt a puppy, and i know my 2 would never hurt one. i'm still getting mixed signals at the other forum becuase izzy is an akita, but i'm just blocking those people out. but most of the others are say…
  • those are great pictures! and i agree with what you said about the breeder. i just hope that i find one that is more open minded. to me its not the breed but how it was raised!
  • yeah i know my izzy wouldn't harm the pup. i know how she was with my husky and her behavior was actually very good after she got over that 'what is this tiny thing that looks like my toy and sounds like my toy'. any dog i dont care small or large…
  • zoe would actually like those things. she loves any attention she can get! jersey on the other hand, he would be scared for life, hes very hypersensitive to things. you can just see her thinking 'i hate you and i know where you keep your shoes'
  • koozie's mask or lack there of is real eye catcher! so are his other random red/brown spots and his newly appearing white areas. hes quite the boy, and has been very impressed by izzy. we got him when he was 6 weeks old and izzy has taught him ev…
  • we got jersey from a local breeder here in keokuk, iowa. hes just over 2 years old!
  • the way izzy sleeps on the couch... (Image) first like this then all curled up then theres this, with blanket and pillow,the last picture is priceless! (Image) (Image) her porn star pose, she use to lay like this when she was little (Image) …
  • i just want to cuddle him!!!
  • she weighs about 75 pounds. her mom and her grandmother were lanky until they were about 3. i got to meet them, her grandmother just passed this pass summer.
  • aww thanks! even his breeders are in awe of his coloring and markings!