Jazz Spam *817009-Massive Jazz spam*



  • edited November -1
    Sally loves Jazz's toys and for the most part, Jazz could care less. She's not really that toy driven. She doesn't get to see Sally as much as she used to - my niece's classes changed this semester, so Jazz only sees her when Ash is on break.

    lingmorton - that's a Puppia harness and I had it embroidered by a friend of mine who has an embroidery business. I'm realy hoping that B&G comes out with one similar. I need a harness that soft for her to wear (nearly all the time), but can stand up to having to hold Jazz's body weight when she is having issues with other dogs.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    hehe that's some hint, LJ :) You and Jesse are going to hunt me down pretty soon if I don't get a mock-up done!

    I love seeing playful Jazz! I have a soft spot for her because she reminds me so much of Mika (formerly known as Chloe). I agree with Romi - she's looking quite toned!
  • edited November -1
    Too cute! I love the 'you are getting sleepy' part. We do that to Bella all the time!

    Jazz seemed to really tolerate Sally well. It is so nice to see her get some play time in. Even if it was only for a few minutes... And how in the world does she not run into the kitchen as soon as she hears the fridge open? :-P
  • edited November -1
    Pam - I thought you'd find that funny! ;-D

    Casey - the "you are getting sleepy" usually puts her straight out - it's so funny (works on kids too), but Sally kept bumping her. So she couldn't focus on going to sleep - it's what we do every night. I am typically the person who feeds her something that comes out of the fridge, so if I'm not opening the door, she knows she isn't getting anything from there. The kids feed her kibble, so if she had heard the pantry door open, she would have been off the bed like a shot.

    BTW, she had been playing for about 5 minutes before I thought about videoing the encounter, so bad LJ on that one.
  • edited May 2009
    Today was Bark in the Park at Turner Field. It was also my niece's birthday. Since she was 4, we've taken in a ballgame together for her birthday (she's 20 now). I'm a huge fan and so is she. Jazz was exceptional. The loud band, music, announcements, and fireworks didn't faze her at all. I used my sling for her when we came in and she loved it. She was so chill that she even walked around for a little bit. There were dogs all around us and not even a growl. She sat in her seat most the time and watched the game - I swear!

    Here's some spam:
    My nephew Steven & Jazz







    My niece, Ashley, her boyfriend, Anthony, and Sally the pug

    Jazz felt she needed to be in the pic

  • edited November -1
    Looks like a blast! Our very minor league team does a Bark in the Park day in June and I am really looking forward to it, especially now!
  • edited November -1
    The Gwinnett Braves (our AAA team) is supposed to do one, too. The ATL Braves do 2 a year - one in May & one in September. Today's game was perfect. There was a nice wind, our seats were in the shade. Everybody was really conscious of making sure that all the dogs had plenty of room. The Wag-a-lot folks gave away lick-a-lots to all the dogs and the ushers were constantly coming by with ice for the water bowls.
  • edited November -1
    Jazz looks happy to be in the hubub. How warm was it out?.... It looked like you had a great day that was not too hot.
    Around here by the time they have a baseball game that allow pets it is sweltering so I won't take the dogs. Usually the stadium is twice as hot as outside in the field.

  • edited November -1
    It was about 76, but the was a great breeze, plus the shade, so it worked out. We had to leave after the 7th inning to pick-up my other niece and nephew, but it was just a great day to be at the ballpark.
  • edited November -1
    Looks like great fun LJ!

    Somehow I missed that completely, although I'm not sure Lucy or Joey would do particularly well there. Joey would probably be over stimulated and cowering in a corner and Lucy would probably try to lick up all the sticky beer that has been spilled on the floor for years. :-)
  • edited November -1
    I was really impressed - they did a great job in everything being clean - they had a floor squeegee machine that cleaned the common areas and they had pressure washed the seating areas where the dogs were.
  • edited November -1
    Ugh, you know I've always been in love with Jazz. Sooooo pretty.
  • edited November -1
    Thank you - she is still so tired this morning. She would like for me to stay home and cuddle.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that is awesome! I would love if the Red Sox did something like that. I will have to look to see if Pawtucket or Portland does a Bark in the Park. Miso and Sake would LOVE to wear their baseball gear.

    Jazz is SO pretty!
  • edited November -1
    Awesome LJ and Jazz!! I would say that given the noises and crowded chaos, Jazz really rocked that ball game! I'm impressed, for any shiba!

    Looks like a good time, too! Sally's a cute pup!
  • edited November -1
    A lot of the major teams do a Bark in the Park - I know Nylabone is involved with a couple of them - I wish that they were involved here in ATL. BTW, Jazz & Sally's Baseball gear were courtesy of The Pet Kitchen. We got several compliments on their attire - they were also featured on the big screen.

    I was really worried about noise. At Turner Field, there are Coca-cola cannons that fire off fireworks every time a homerun is hit. Our seats were right beside the cannons - I've never prayed before for no homeruns to be hit, but I did yesterday. I laughed at a basset that was a couple of rows above us - every time music would play, he'd start baying...which then set off a bunch of dogs.

    BTW, I meant list the different animals that Jazz was called:
    Minkita (I'm assuming someone's version of mini Akita)
    Cheba Nanu
    Shitsi Ebu
    Shabi Abu

    Tons of people took pics of her - Anthony (niece's BF) asked if Jazz was a rock star cause everyone (it seemed) had to take a pic of her.
  • edited November -1
    Love Jazz and her pug friend.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, I am so imressed at how well Jazz did. :)

    And tell Anthony that YES, Jazz is a rock star. Hehe.
  • edited November -1
    Just checked and the Portland Sea Dogs are doing a bark in the park on Sunday June 7th! Miso, Sake, Chris and I will be there!
  • edited November -1
    Casey - I will. He cracks up at Jazz because she is so different in personality compared to his dogs (pugs).

    Kristin - very cool - hope it goes as well as it did for us! Can't wait to see the pics.
  • edited November -1
    Gotta love all those different names that Jazz was called. Shitsi Ebu is my favorite!
  • edited November -1
    Jazz looks great in her jersey!
  • edited November -1
    Here's a vid from today of Jazz getting a bath.

  • edited November -1
    That looks nothing like what happens during bathtime in our house! Geez, LJ, you got it easy!
  • edited November -1
    Nice! lol!
  • edited November -1
    I know - she's really complacent.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    LOL!!! She's such a QUEEN!!! I love it. Jazz is supremely awesome.
  • edited November -1
    I think she's pretty awesome, too!
  • edited November -1
    Awwwww!!!! SUCH a good girl! :D ~
  • edited November -1
    I was expecting Diva Jazz. She did a great job!
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