Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    LOL yay for Katsu! Don't let her drugged out / excitment to see you fool you..she IS in pain (we were fooled)..try to keep the cute one from doing anything major (jumping, etc).
  • edited November -1
    yeah. I think I may have to duct tape her to her doggy bed. She loves the couch.
  • edited November -1
    no couches.
  • edited November -1
    When I spayed Bella I was so nervous I had to leave her ther for a day and pick her up the next day after I droped her off I was so sad the day seemed to drag on, but the next day when I picked her up she was a bit groggy she walked right up to me and was happy to see me she wiggled and stuff, but I calmed her down.

    It took alot to keep her calm I had her collar and leash on her at all times incase she would try to do her boxer 500 sadly she was so hard to controll she was a bit hyper at times it seemed like she healed very fast, but we kept her exercise low even when the stitches were removed.

    Katsu will probably be druged up and the next day she'll be her self again maybe a little bit tired though that's how Bella was. Please update us on how she's doing. =)
  • edited November -1
    You had an emotional morning. I'm glad everything went well. Poor little Katsu is going to be stoned. (Drugged Katsu pics please....that's so morbid but I just think she's adorable.)

    And congrats on the new car!!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    So glad that everything went well. And I am sure she will be super happy to see you. (or was super happy, since it is now after 3:00.)

    Hope she is home safe and sound relaxing all the drugs off! :)
  • edited November -1
    We need a porkchop update!
  • edited November -1
    lol Don't think we're not watching the clock...
  • edited November -1
    Does it make us crazy people if we have been watching the clock waiting for pictures and news about a dog we've never met?? :P
  • edited November -1
    oh man we've had the privilege of meeting the porkchop Brat in RL, and she is REALLY cute, I keep wanting to pick her up but am afraid I'd be violating her space ;-)
  • edited November -1
    I have met Katsu and No we are not crazy, we are concerned! LOL. Okay, maybe a tad bit crazy.
  • edited November -1
    hahaha Oh Katsu. What a silly princess :)
  • edited November -1
    Joe and Dawn are probably staring at the fur that was buzzed off and trying to stay strong infront of Katsu....I was shocked at how much Spuddy's fur was buzzed.. hang in there guys! Y
  • edited November -1
    Update: Katsu is now back at home. I was really suprised at how much fur they shaved off too. They said everything went great with the spaying and chiping. We asked her about the clicking from her wrists/ankles they said nothing was wrong, and as long as it doesn't bother her it shouldn't be a problem. They said they found a few FLEAS! on her, which is kind of ironic since flea prevention was one of the questions I forgot to ask about this morning. They found them and combed them out and treated her with Advantix. We have some vacuuming to do tonight. They said her nails were a little on the long side so they clipped them, we'll have to cut a little shorter I guess ( it's hard with the dark nails).
    They said she was a drama queen when she came out so she got some extra pain meds. She's whining now and then a little bit but mostly laying down. The little brat jumped on the couch as I was going to walk towards the bathroom. Her stitches are still intact, and she's not bleeding all over. She was about to jump off the couch! Brat. So I was able to help her down. She's laying under the table right now looking uncomfortable and making funny noises.

    We bought an E collar just in case but she hasn't paid any attention to the wound. We may put it on tomorrow or on Sunday to take a few pics with.

    They were nice enough to give her pink stitches though.

    Some spam to follow shortly
  • edited November -1
    Glad Katsu is healing well!

    Cant' wait for spam!

    Pink stitches...thats adorable.
  • edited November -1
    I also forgot to mention that the vet said she was probably about to come into heat. So there we may be paranoid but we are right sometimes!
  • edited November -1
    Can't wait for the spam
  • edited November -1
    doped up

    "They put me to sleep...and they...they..took my fur..."

    "I like you man, I like you but your crazy. YOur crazy" Katsu as Will Ferrel in Old School

    This is what happens when Star Wars play goes to far! or "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!"

    3/4 rear

    front. excuse the jacked up liscense plate from my sentra.

    3/4 front


    cargo space. plenty of room for dead hookers!

    proud to drive a 5 door

    last night. She was pretty horny


    I HUMPED Daddy's Arm!
  • edited November -1
    oh poor girl, went from 'horny and happy' to 'god what did those people do to me'
  • edited November -1
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH the comments on the photos are priceless.
  • edited November -1
    Aww! Poor drugged up Katsu. Still adorable, though.

    And wow... The new car is pretty f-ing awesome! Especially all that room for dead hookers!
  • edited November -1
    aw glad she's home. good luck with keeping her "quiet" over the next week!

    Sweet new ride ;)
  • edited November -1
    Haha. Glad you have enough room for those dead hookers.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm glad she's home safe I'm sure she'll recover in no time also how old is Katsu just curious?

    Thanks for the pictures. =)
  • edited November -1
    6 months and 4 days. We're glad to have her back safe and sound. She's still very out of it.
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad to see Katsu's back home. I can't believe how much fur they shaved off her!
  • edited November -1
    me either. I must have had this look on my face, because they started explaining why her belly looked like that. It was more suprise than anything.
  • edited November -1
    yeah when we picked up the pup from that hell hospital, she flipped over so i can rub her belly and i said OMG! and they said it's normal...that and they cut her with the buzzer?? so where it starts from her tummy was cut up, plus by her thighs.. Oh and they told me they fed her her antibiotics (which i didn't know why she had to be on), and wanted me to give her the pain killer when i got home..well turns out i ended up overdosing her and she was litterally trying to scale the retaining wall in our complex and then doing zoomies...that's probably why it took her a good 10 days to recover, b/c i stopped giving the pain meds after that and she FELT it that afternoon ...wanted to wait till you got K back to share my horrid experience with you...needless to say i never went back to that hospital again

    ps- i found out she didnt get her dose of antibiotics b/c it was still in the container!!
  • edited November -1
    Poor Shao New, we'll definitely be judicous in our use of pain meds. Katsu can be kind of crazy as it is, if she feels no pain she may try to run straight up the side of our building.
  • edited November -1
    exactly. ;-)
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