Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    the only other was tan. Fur vacums up, dirt and mud stains. The interior in my sentra was tan, and it always looked grotty.
  • edited November -1
    I have the black interior in my Matrix. It does require a good vacuum every now and then but you are so right, it never looks "dirty"! It does look like it snowed in my car a lot though :P
  • edited November -1
    We convinced her mom to get the black too. She has two dogs and was going to go with the Tan.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Congrats!! Can't wait to see the spam.

    I have black interior too and the vacuuming never ends! But I'm the clumsiest person alive so I needed to get a dark interior to cover up all my shoe scuff marks! :)
  • edited November -1
    Sorry no car spam yet. It's been raining.

    The brat is getting spayed tomorrow. She get's dropped off at 9am. We're probably just being paranoid, but how do you tell when a dog is going into heat. Katsu's been kind of hyper tonight, it may be because she spent more time than usual in her crate yesterday when we went to pick up the car. We're worried she may be going into heat.
    We were watching Ace of Cakes and I had my arm hanging off the couch, she came over started licking it and getting mouthy then stood on her hind legs wrapped her arms around mine and started humping my arm. I was cracking up because it was too funny. Could this be a sign of going into heat, or is she just releasing some pent up energy? She's not bleeding as far as we can tell. Is there an easy way to figure it out?
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I'm the worst person to ask because Chloe was in heat when I dropped her off for her spay. Normally, I believe you check for spotting and a swollen vaginal area. Even though Chloe was in heat, we were able to do her spay anyway but you have to be extra cautious afterwards. We had to keep her separated from Ryu because she would still secrete pheromones just like during heat. If he tried to mount her, he could cause extreme damage after the surgery.

    Once your vet takes a look at her in the morning, they should be able to tell you right away if she's in heat.
  • edited November -1
    Good luck Katsu!!!

    Joe /Dawn, although I'm sure I'd be super worried had this happened when Shao New was about to get spayed, it is what it is..if she is, she is. I'm sure your vet would tell you what, if any, issues may come up if you spayed her while in heat... you go from there.

    We have an extra cone if you guys want one. Stay strong for Katsu! She'll need to be super pampered--ASPCA's website has a really good post op list...


    We found it really helpful.

    Signed, your friend,
  • edited November -1
    Oh, poor Katsu...No more puppies for you.

    I think it's paranoia setting in, that's why you guys may think she's going into heat. You guys have been worried about her going into heat since she hit 4 months, but we'll see what the vet says.

    I know my guys get really hyper after being locked up, so much so that Tikaani spends a good 10 minutes running between the livingroom and kitchen. Usually ends with some wrestling between the two and a bit of Tikaani wondering why Tetsu is trying to hump him. Then we kick them both outside to do their 1s and 2s before going for a walk.
  • edited November -1
    Good luck with your surgery Katsu!

    Don't worry Joe/Dawn. The vet will make sure that she is 100% ready for the speuter!

    I demand post surgery conehead Katsu spam!
  • edited November -1
    ok so Joe just dropped off Katsu and I'm at work crying. I know, I know but I can't help it. I know she'll be fine but I just worry about her. She's probably so nervous right now and wondering where her mommy and daddy are. : ( The vet told Joe to call around 1ish and she should be ready for pickup around 2:30-3:00. My poor baby. Sorry for the worried mommy rant but I just needed to vent a little. We'll take plenty of drugged up puppy pics when she gets home later tonight. Wish her luck!
  • edited November -1
    Good luck with the spay, Katsu!

    Everything will be just fine. :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Awww You're such a good doggie mom :) I remember being so worried during Ryu's neuter, Chloe's spay and Roxy's spay. Everything will be fine! Both Chloe and Roxy were back to their normal selves the next morning! Haha.
  • edited November -1
    Katsu is probably dreaming of chasing Shao New right now all drugged up! Don't worry, she will be just fine!

    Lampshade Katsu is going to be freakin' adorable.
  • edited November -1
    I just got home, and I was crying too. I managed to hold it in, while I was in the office, and while I was talking to a nice older couple about dogs, but started getting all teary eyed in the car. I almost backed over some lady pulling out of my spot. You know us though, we'll take plenty of pics of her during recovery and I'm sure we'll make some more mommy/daddy paranoid question posts while she's healing up.

  • edited November -1
    I get so confused because you guys use the same account. Don't worry Joe, when I left Nemo for a teeth cleaning I was a decent mess. I always feel bad when I have to leave him with people he doesn't know.
  • edited July 2009
    Sorry to be late on this...
    I have a vanity plate with Jazz's image and it says Got Shiba?
    Find a scrapbooker with a cricut machine and they can cut all sorts of designs in vinyl.

    Sending well wishes of recovery to li'l Katsu.
  • edited November -1
    Can't wait for the embarrassing lampshade spam...And don't worry, Katsu will tell you all about her experience at the vet when you pick her up.

    When I picked up Tetsu, he wouldn't stop squirming and 'talking' (probably letting us know that something is missing), way too excited to see us after that long ordeal. I wish I could have caught it on tape. Tikaani, on the other hand, was so doped up that he wouldn't stop drooling (his neck, jaw and cone were soaked) and we had to keep him from fumbling into walls.
  • edited November -1
    yeah I always think about that. If people can tell us apart from the way we write. I wonder if there's anyother couples that share one account on the forum. I'm trying to get into the habit of signing my posts. You know Brandon for someone who takes such amazing pics, why don't you have a mini amazing pic next to your name?

  • edited November -1
    hang in there guys, it'll be ok! Try calling them around 11:45 should be done by then.
  • edited November -1
    Joe - Because I'm too lazy to make an avatar.
  • edited November -1
    they said call at 1. I'm going to play some soccer (football) on xbox and clean up a little bit. My dad is coming over to cook dinner for us tonight, and my mom is coming over too. It's funnysince they've got officially divorced, they've been seprated for about as long as I can recall but were too lazy to make it final, I've spent more time with my mom and dad than ever. The other day we went to go pick up a new TV for my mom and my dad picked us up in hisminivan. I had to make a comment about being 26 and finally riding in a minivan with both my parents. lol.
  • edited November -1
    Tank was neutered at the end of May and I was a nervous wreck too! I'm sure everything will be fine since Katsu's in the hands of a trusted vet. :)

    When I picked Tank up later and saw him through the receptionist's door standing there as good as can be next to the lab tech on a lead, I couldn't help myself but call out his name. He heard my voice and came running toward me and if he could've I'm sure he would've lept right into my arms. I got teary eyed because I missed him so much and had been so worried! When Tank got to me he was so excited that he peed right on the spot lol.
  • edited November -1
    Aww! That Tank story makes me want to go home to my Bella and my Nola! :-P

    Joe & Dawn - I am sure that Katsu is konked out with some good drugs right about now. Just think about her having crazy dreams about tie-dyed rabbits and riding around in her new car. (that we still have no pictures of!)
  • edited November -1
    Why don't you just get two forum accounts? Less confusing for us :P
  • edited November -1
    Alright Casey. I promise to have new car spam by tonight.

    Kristin, It doesn't really seem practical for us to have two accounts. You'll guys will just have to keep on guessing.

    I remember the Tank post and how nervous you were. I admit I thought it was a little funny but now I totally understand, it's diffrent whe it's your pup they're playing operation with. Hopefully she doesn't get that excited, she's never been a nervous pisser, but she has been very expressive with her anal glands. That would not be a good thing.

  • edited November -1
    Poor thing. She'll be fine though. If anything had gone wrong, you would have heard from them by now. And since they haven't called you, it means she's doing well. Remember, when it comes to doctor-types, no news = good news. =0)

    Sending healing vibes to Katsu!
  • edited November -1
    I concur with Mylo on that one...they probably said 1 so they can go have lunch ;-)
  • edited November -1
    just called the vet, I can pick her up at 3
  • edited November -1
    YAY, she is now officially un-breedable. Poor thing is still probably really doped up
  • edited November -1
    Now that I know she's alright, I'm looking forward to seeing her all smacked out.
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