Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    I love that Katsu has pink stitches.

    Good luck at the vet!
  • edited July 2009
    Good luck to Katsu, she has great parents!
  • edited July 2009
    Just got back from the vet. Everything is okay. The vet attributed it to the fact that she was about to start esturus when they did the procedure. They checked her out and took her temp and she has a clean bill of health, besides that they didn't charge us and we didn't need an appointment. So the vet gets a few points in my book.

    They did muzzle her because they weren't sure how she would react given the stitches. She didn't scream but was a little annoyed at the muzzle. She gave me the funniest look when they stuck the thermometer up there. We just got home and she got some cheese.

    On the way back I stopped at Checkers to get some early lunch. Katsu was sitting in the passenger seat, (I couldn't get her to lay down in the back and Dawn has the crate). The girl inside saw her and went "Is that a wolf, wait no a fox, he's so cute I'm going to get one." Needless to say when they came out with my order (every one came to the window to see the "fox") They got a two minute speech about shibas and how they're not for everyone. Can't a man just order a burger in peace?!
  • edited November -1
    LOL Joe! Glad to hear that Katsu is on the mend and feeling Fine!

    The people at the starbucks window always try and give Miso and Sake treats, I have to politely refuse as who knows what kind of crap treats they keep in there, the girls always look so upset when I say "no treats, thanks". They are like "But I want to pet your Shebo Emu". Im like "Give me my damn $5 coffee...."
  • edited November -1
    lol. Some of the starbucks people creep me out. They're always way too happy. I think it's the exposure to all that coffee. It must seep in through their pores and alter their brain chemistry. Thankfully when we go to get our tall green tea frappuchinos with extra macha it's dark out. Katsu is in the back and nobody notices her.
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad you got hoe and Katsu got her cheese.

    I'm kind of a rude dog owner, if they are with me and we get that attention, I'm all like "uh huh, is everything here? thanks, bye". I think Kitsune would rather avoid spectators anyway.
  • edited November -1
    lol - thanks Jen, i saw what Joe wrote and I edited it....lol

  • edited November -1
    Oh, keep forgetting to ask and not sure if you guys mentioned this or not, but is Katsu' stitches dissolvable able or do you have to go back to the vet to remove them?
  • edited November -1
    We have to bring her back on the 3rd to get her stiches removed
  • edited November -1
    Katsu is still incredibly cute even without some of her organs! And I cried when I dropped T off to get a dental cleaning and microchip. In my car, bawling. You guys aren't the only ones!
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad Katsu is a-okay! She's such a trooper =0)
  • edited November -1
    "Katsu is still incredibly cute even without some of her organs!"

    lol! I agree she's awesome, glad things went well
  • edited November -1
    This confinement is really starting to get to her. Ifeel bad. She has all this pent up energy and we can't really let her go nuts yet. She's not listening as well and forgetting commands. A tired pup really is a happy and well behaved pup. The stitches come out on the 3rd. She graduates obedience on the 4th. We're going to sign her up for more classes since we've seen such a big improvement in her confidence.

    Speaking of training we started doing some work with a clicker. She was actually afraid of it at first, but I've just been doing the touch command with her to get her used to it. She picked it up almost right away. Once she gets the stitches out and we can work off some of her crazy we'll move on to intergrating it into our training routine.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, Spuds was like that when she was on the cone and started to heal. All obedience training went out the window. Truth be told, after the cone went off and we could do regular stuff, we did some referesher courses around the house and she was all good again, if not better..but yeah, she was a nightmare with a cone..the look of evil when she looked at us.

    I was telling Dawn that Shao New started blowing her coat right after her spay, so be warned....oh, and she also had a growth spurt afterwards (but I think it's b/c of the age, not the surgery-Spuds was 6 months and 2 days at surgery).
  • edited November -1
    o0o0o0o Clicker training! I actually bought a clicker today! I'm going to do some reading and start Mylo with it.
  • edited November -1
    If you are going to try clicker training I recomend this site and book http://www.clickertraining.com/
  • edited August 2009
    got venge pee'd today. the brat was running around like a maniac no matter what I tried, distracting, ignoring, catching. I was worried she was overexerting herself and would do something to her stitches. She was doing zoomies and kept jumping on and off my chest. I finally got her and she did a little yelp. I put her down and she walked into her crate. I closed the door and let her chill for a few. When I let her out she kept looking at me walking back and forth and givig me the stink eye. She walked over to the side of the couch where I couldn't see her. When I looked over she was standing next to a puddle of pee. I got up and walked into the kitchen to get paper towels when I came back she was sitting in my spot on the couch. As I went to clean it up, she came over to watch me. I feel bad for making her yelp, but what a brat for the venge pee. She had just been outside not even two hours ago.

    I can't wait till she's all healthy so we can get her back to the dog park to work off this energy.
  • edited November -1
    Oh puppy puppy :)

    Though, as she just had major surgery (a human would probably still be in hospital) perhaps she has more urgency, or less control as her organs readjust and her body heals itself. Just a thought.

    Good luck keeping her "quiet".
  • edited November -1
    I would not conclude "venge" pee. Since she had recently been spayed her muscles are sore and she may not have full control of everything. If she is recently off pain meds she will not necessarily be able to detect when she has to pee and deference. She actually may need to pee more often since the bladder wall maybe a little weak right now. Dogs do what they need to do. Timing wise it seems they are being brats when they are not. Give her the benefit of the doubt, particularly after surgery.

  • edited August 2009
    I just wanted to say that this is just a funny take on the situation. Like Jen said it's most likely related to the fact she had a major surgery and just needed to pee. Please don't think that dogs really do stuff like this out of vengence or with a malicious intent. I should also mention that she had pee'd there a few days ago. She had been sleepy and all doped up. She woke up and before we could take her out she walked over and peed on about the same spot. We'll have to be re nature miracle-ing that part of the carpet.
    Also Katsu always gets the benefit of the doubt with us. Thanks mostly to the people on the forum, who have really helped us understand her and dogs in general better. All of her "accidents" in the house are really our accidents.

    But seriously, as serious as I may sometimes sound and seem in what I say, don't take what I say too seriously. I don't.
  • edited November -1
    We stayed over Dawn's mother's house last night. Katsu got to eat some chicken, lamb, and sweet potato. She pooped yesterday morning before we left. But skipped her evening poo last night, and mornign poo today. When we came back home the first thing she did was run over to the grass and unleash a giant pile. Do you think this is from the special dinner, or could this be a comfort thing. I was never a fan of going in strange places, my job changed that. Do dogs even make that association.

    Stitches come out tomorrow. I'll try to post some stitchless spam before I go to work.
  • edited November -1
    Yes I've seen quite a few dogs that hold their poo on trips and outtings and wait to go home. I've been trying to catch up with Katsu's thread for the last couple of days. She has had a busy couple weeks. I'm glad to hear our darling is doing well.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Oh my goodness. I'm convinced that dogs (esp. Shibas!) are picky about pooping in their turf. Roxy will not poop or pee on leash. One day, we were helping out some friends while they move by keeping their dogs in our backyard. One of their dogs is extremely protective of the other so we kept them separated from R&R. That meant several walks in the front yard and neighborhood for our two. After 6 separate walks, I couldn't get Roxy to do ANYTHING. These were looong walks too and she just wouldn't do anything. As soon as we would get inside, she'd run to the back door and whine and scratch. As soon as the visiting dogs left (11 hours later), Roxy RAN to her potty spot and peed for almost 2 minutes and left a huge mound of poo. Little rascal.
  • edited November -1
    I guess she wanted some privacy.
  • edited November -1
    some unecessary cone spam. She didn't need it but we thought we'd get a few pics of her with it on for you guys.


  • edited November -1
    Katsu does not look amused that you made her wear the cone for no reason!

    Glad she is doing well.
  • edited November -1
    The poop thing is totally normal! Toby went almost a whole week without pooping the one time we went camping, and when he finally went, maaaan it was like a nuclear explosion in the grass. It was absolutely gross! Toby doesn't like pooping in strange places. Sometimes it is a good thing, sometimes it is a bad thing. lol
  • edited November -1
    Ha ha, for a second or two I thought you had shoved a dollar bill in her cone, but it's just a sticker, "Take it off, Katsu!"

    Anyways, Ike is comfortable enough when we go to shows and traveling he quit trying to hold it. Beebe too. The new girls are still a little unsure so they have gone for days when we travel, literally and the end result is Hobo sized droppings after a night of beer and burritos. I've started carrying a little Johnny Cat screen with me to shows just for the girls (j/k, I wish that was all it took, but usually a good jog in the new local will produce results, a trick I've been learning. Try holding it and jogging, it's hard!)
  • edited November -1
    Lindsay, I'm half Hobo. My dad's family was originally from Hoboslavia, large poops are greatly respected in the old country. I'm not sure how you knew about the ancient festival of Stankipilik. All the men in town get together to drink beer and eat burritos and then have a giant crap off.

    I'm offended by your insensitivity to our culture!
  • edited November -1
    They must have good plumbing in Hoboslavia.

    Hmm, threadjack-one of the Quail just laid an egg the size of it's head and the dogs are very intrigued by the sounds it is making. Gonna be sore in the morning!
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