Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    Yeah, its pretty cute.
  • edited November -1
    OMG that is way to precious
  • edited November -1
    That was way to freakin' cute. I can't wait to see Katsu again!
  • edited November -1
    ahahahaha. Katsu's all "ilovethisgamelet'skeeplayingthisgamewhatarewedoingcanibiteyou"
  • edited November -1
    Yeah most of her thought's see to end in biting lately. I guess it's a byprodcut of teething, we're trying to keep on top of it. Katsu loves socks, normally she'll steal them off the floor. But lately she's been trying to steal them right off of my feet!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    AAAAugh. Katsu is so freaking cute that it's painful to watch. I just want to squeeze her!!
  • edited November -1
    That was adorable! Katsu is awesome. :-D
  • edited November -1
    I just love that she is actually sitting like that! So cute. :)
  • edited November -1
    I can't believe I haven't ready any Katsu posts in two weeks! I totally had to catch up, so I'm a little behind on my comments here.

    Anal Glands- EOW Nuff Said. lol

    Congrats on puppy school!

    And OMG that video is so cute! I can't believe that little zoomies baby is just sitting there copying you. She's getting so big, almost the size of Koda now. lol.
  • edited June 2009
    Katsu Graduated from puppy kindergarten tonight. We're so proud of our little girl. B & T 3, stopped by to congratulate Katsu. We celebrated by going to McDonald's, and loitered in the parking lot like a bunch of teenagers afterwords. She's really became more confident and outgoing as the class has progressed, and we've signed her up for the next level. To any new puppy owners I strongly suggest signing your furbaby up for class.
    It was so funny when Tetsu came in the store Katsu heard his tags jingling right away and knew he was there before we even saw them. She loves Beth and Tom's boys. I got mauled with kisses when I greeted Tetsu, he's such a cute little guy and very well behaved. Beth and Tom are doing a great job of getting the boys trained. Here's some spam.

    Dawn is smiling, Katsu is frowning, and I look like a just smoked a bowl

    "I'm the Shit!"

    Ariana, her big brother is a Shiba named Cody

    Ariana is both small and blurry

    This is her other classmate Cody

    I forgot to take good picture of Katsu Tetsu and TIkaani


    Katsu lost a canine! We were able to get it before she ate it.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, cutie Katsu...The faces she gave while wearing that grad cap.

    I can't believe how excited all 3 pups are when they see each other, Tetsu was mouthing and kissing Katsu's face, while Tikaani just wanted to beat her up.

    I'm glad that canine came out, it was practically sideways, and must have been really uncomfortable.
  • edited November -1
    That cap is too cute!!!!!! Did you drink beers in the McD's parking lot like H.S. to celebrate! You should've busted out some Mickey's 40's and poured some out for Katsu. lol.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Congrats to Katsu! She's all growed up! LOL
  • edited November -1
    Awww, Congrats! Im glad Katsu did so well in class! Im sure she will enjoy more Schoolin'!
  • edited November -1
    It really is amazing how her confidence in petco has improved because of this class. She was scared poopless last night because someone kept moving a ladder around, but she did pretty good. I noticed when she was doing some of the exercises her tail actually went back up.
  • edited November -1
    Yay Katsu!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats to Katsu for graduating! :-D

    I can not believe how big she has gotten. And so cute. Especially in the grad cap. lol.
  • edited November -1
    OMG I really want to ditch my mom's birthday to meet Katsu this weekend lol. Love the grad cap, and ROFL at 40's in the parking lot...ahhh memories...
  • edited June 2009
    We got a laser pointer a few weeks ago. Besides burning out peoples retinas, and reenacting Dr. Dre videos we also "torture" Katsu. She loves that little red light. She's also figured out where it comes from. I found her trying to chew on the pointer today. I think she wanted her little red buddy to come out. Sorry for the darkness of the vids. I'll have to edit them and brighten them up later. You get the idea for now though

  • edited November -1
    Totally cute! I want Dr. Dre video re-inactments!!!!! Hey you put it out there. he he

    My friend's dog Roxy loves the laser pointer. We went over there last night. She goes crazy and runs all over chasing it. Koda looked at her like she was insane and had no interest in the red dot friend. He's a pretty laid back dude. It would've been funny to see him get into it, but I'll take Katsu videos anyday.
  • edited November -1
    You have to catch her in the right mood. Try shining it right on his paw, that's what usually gets her going.
  • edited November -1
    Ummmm ok, so Dr. Dre videos now....ha ha ha ha.

    I'll try that next time. I think he would like it.
  • edited November -1
    I'm off this week. Instead of enjoying it I'm already starting to get a little antsy in the pantsy, and I'm slowly loosing my mind. I know you're probably saying "Joe, haven't you already lost your mind?". I thought I did back in 1987 the first time I heard "Purple Haze", but obviously I only blew my mind back then, because know I'm seriously losing it. But I digress.
    Anyway, yesterday I decided to go up to Blydenburgh and hang out with Beth, Tikaani, and Tetsu. We ended up spending the whole day out there pretty much. The dogs had alot of fun. Highlights included. Katsu bleeding on Tikaani, Tikaani dragging Katsu by her tail, Katsu being a total brat and bullying Tetsu, and a mini Australian Shepherd trying to get all UFP with Katsu and then Tikaani's head. The funniest part of the day though came courtesy of another owner. There was this guy with a Rottie there giving some (air quotes with fingers) advice(air quotes with fingers)to another owner about his Dobie. He was really intense. The (AQWF) advice (AQWF) started off pretty good. Keep his nails short, dont' let him run off and join the circus. Standard stuff really. The best part was when the Dobie started to get all snarky with the rottie though. The dobie owner kept trying to use the "Leave it" command to no avail. He ends up just pulling his dog away. Afterwards the Rottie Owner gets up and says "See, now that was pretty good but you really gotta do this too. Watch. Right here on the neck. This is the sweet spot." He gets up and goes all Ceasar Milan on the poor guy, this guys face was so intense. CCHHHH! Needless to say we were pretty amused.
    I'll admit at first that I didn't see the big idea with the Dog Whisperer, and his method of training. I didn't know any better. After being on the forum, reading your stories and having success in starting to train Katsu I feel I know a little better. I realize now that just because you watch a show a few times, it doesn't mean that you should go around touching and shusshing other peoples dogs. Training dogs isn't that easy. It takes hard work and commitment to train a dog, not fancy gimmicks and silly noises. Speaking of which...
    Katsu starts her next level of classes today. She finished puppy class and is now onto beginner obedience. I'm pretty stoked for class tonight. The classes really show us how to train her to be a good girl and how we can build her confidence up. Hopefully it'll be a small class. Only one other dog from her puppy school is continuing on.

    and now for some random spam as reward for reading my rambling ruminations and on retarded rottie owners. This is like some B-side spam, a little retrospective of her time with us.

    1st day home, practicing the Vulcan neck pinch with daddy.
    Dancin Fool
    I should've been a showdog
    She was alot smaller than Tetsu
    Elbow Biter
    Catching up in size, and about to catch a beating
  • edited November -1
    That first picture is so telling about how Shibas would likely react to TDW "ccchhhhht" touch. Defiantly independent and stubborn to boot, they won't give you an inch of respect you haven't earned.
    However, I don't think the same can be said for Dobermans and Rottweilers because their breed characteristics are practically on the other end of the spectrum. Those two LGD breeds have an inherent nature to be fiercely loyal and clinically dependent on their owners. Whereas a stern look and verbal reprimand would earn you a "Yah, so?", "You say something?", or a "What's it to ya?" look from a Shiba, I've had and seen Rottweilers (and dobermans) cower and crawl towards me in submission poses at the same situation.

  • edited November -1
    Actually the first pic is her enjoying some scratches. But you totally nailed how a shiba would react.

    It'd probably be something like this
  • edited June 2009
    Katsu is such a spunky little girl, and that mini aussie was too funny, trying to get with her and Tikaani.

    What really amazed me was how Tetsu just took Katsu's abuse, just stood there while she chomped on his face and legs. She would persist on walking and jumping over him and he would just roll over and over his mouth in a playful manner. It's amazing at how much I'm still learning about him.
  • edited July 2009
    OK so today was Katsu's first day of beginner obedience class and she was doing so well! She had so much confidence. She was walking around the whole time with her tail up and was listening so well. It was Katsu, the two dogs from her kindegarten class and a "new guy". The new dog was some kind of mountain dog. He was really cute and listened really well to his master. At first Katsu was the only dog he got along with so the trainer stuck us in an aisle together. Apparently Thunder got a little snarky with Katsu and she was ready to throw down. So the trainer stuck him in his own aisle. Everyone else was paying attention and listening to the trainer but the whole time that class was going on Thunder's owner kept leaving his aisle and wandering around the store with his dog. This kept distracting all the other dogs and everytime the trainer called for him he wasn't there. Towards the end of class this guy wanders back into his aisle and either he or his dog knocked over an ex-pen. Well Katsu got totally freaked out. Her tail went between her legs and she totally shut down. We tried walking her around and doing the current exercise with her and giving treats but she was done. So we're standing there while the other dogs are doing their exercises and I notice this guy is still walking around the store shopping! I got soooooooo pissed off. Not because the dog knocked something over and startled her but that the owner had a severe case of ADHD! He couldn't stand in his aisle and watch the other dogs and wait for his turn. We put to much time and effort in trying to train Katsu and build her confidence for this cl*asshole to be wandering around and not taking this seriously! GRRRRRRRR!
  • edited November -1
    Man that really sucks about that man I'm sorry that happened hopefully it won't happen again I really don't like people like that too. >.<
  • edited November -1
    yea it totally pissed me off. like i said i don't blame the dog. shit happens, but if your going to spend the money to take your dog to obedience school then pay attention. its not time to shop. its was just so frustrating because she was doing so well tonight (her best night so far) and that idiot.......well i digress before i get in trouble ; )
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