Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited May 2009
    Yeah ours did this too as puppies but have grown out of it. I think they thought it was kibble until they were older. I have another one that picks up big rocks and attempts to roll them or have us pitch them to be chased. You just never know....keep an eye out, they investigate everything (LOL)!
  • edited November -1
    When I got home from work today I took Katsu out for a walk. She's been going through a really "I'm scared of my own shadow" phase lately. First she didn't want to go out the door. Then when we got outside there was a girl who had the audacity to be sitting right by our stairs, Katsu wasn't happy with that. Finally I get her out onto the grass and all of the sudden I hear this "clickity, click" noise. I look over to my right and there's a girl practicing her tap dancing on the side walk, seriously, actual tap shoes and all. At this point Katsu has had enough and tries to go back inside. I manage to get her heading in the opposite direction and we embark on a little walk around our complex.
    After a minute or two she's fine again, tail up and strutting her stuff. We met another dog and she was fine. When she does her stuff and looks like she wants to go back home I decide to cut through a little breezway back into our courtyard. She walks in fine the all of the sudden gets spooked and bolts. Before I know it she had ripped the retractable leash right out of my hand and was burning down the side walk. I have never run so fast in my life, I felt like I was going to actually lose control and wipe out. As she rounds the corner into the parking lot I see a car coming and my heart sinks. "Great my dog is dead". Thankfully the person was driving slow and didn't hit her. By the time I make it to the corner I can't see her. I'm totally freaking out right now, where the hell is my dog. I run ahead a little more and I see her sitting about 100 feet ahead of me. I don't know how but her retractable leash had gotten wrapped around a sign and she was stuck. Thank GOD!!. I run over snatch her up and bring her back inside.
    About five minutes later Dawn walks in and I tell her what happend. We both agreee that we're going to switch to a regular leash so that we can slip the loop over our wrist when we walk her, this way she can't bolt and rip the leash out of our hand again. We make her dinner and sit down on the couch. She walks over to her bowl, sniffs it once, and turns around to come hop back onto the couch. All of the sudden Dawn says "What's that smell?". I pick Katsu up and sniff her, she kind of smells like a mix of bonito flakes and seaweed. I flip her around and sniff the back end and I start gagging. Dawn grabs her and does the same, then proceeds to start dry heaving. I don't know what happened but Katsu's vajayjay was rancid. BATH TIME!!!
    She did great in the bath no crying or screaming. Just staring. Like "I'm going to fucking kill you" stares of hate. We dried her off and now she's sitting on the couch again looking very angry with us.

    Bath spam later tonight
  • edited November -1
    Ok, that's hilarious! :-)

    Lesson learned on the retractable leash. Luckily it wasn't a costly one.
  • edited November -1
    That is both a funny and scary story...And I'm glad that all Katsu got was a stench. It's always good to have both types of leashes, and there are some retractable ones that have a wrist loop. Luckily, with leashes, they never grow out of them so you can splurge on something fancy.
  • edited November -1
    Wow. That sounds like quite an adventure. Glad everything worked out okay. Silly Katsu!!!
  • edited November -1
    Wow. Crazy Katsu! But I am very glad she is okay! And glad that she smells all nice and clean, too. :)
  • edited May 2009
    So glad she is ok!

    Retractable leashes have their downside. The problem stems from the fact they do not provide much control, are easily dropped, and when the leash is dropped the sound of the case dragging behind the dogs sometimes scare the dog further causing some to bolt way worse than normal. Also if the dog does get away, the cable can be easily caught in shrubs, branches and fencing and the dog can not chew its way out of the lead easily (if its cable) in an emergency situation leaving it to the mercy of other dogs, wildlife etc. should you not be able to find the dog right away. All the way around it can be safer to have a leather lead or flat leash that easily folds into your hand.

    About the stink I suspect she expressed her anal glands at some point...puppies in high intense or alarm situations will sometimes do that. It's not like poop in consistency, it actually is more like smudge...dark alge and reeks. Usually there isn't much but you will sure smell the skunky odor.

    If you are not doing so, It might be a good idea to get Katsu into a puppy-K socialization class since she is at a critical developmental stage. This will help a lot in building self confidence at points where the dogs go through certain phases.

  • edited November -1
    She did have some little stains on her tail. It must have been that "smudge" because it was horrible and that was the first time she ever stunk like that. Is it safe for her to go to the puppy-K classes even though she doesn't have all her shots yet?
  • edited May 2009
    I have trouble keeping track .....How old is she and where is she on her shot schedule? Has she had her second round of DHPP?

  • edited November -1
    Katsu bath spam




    Lounging on the couch




  • edited November -1
    She is going to be 4 months old. she has had two sets of shots. once with the breeder at 8 weeks and once with us at about 12 weeks. she is getting more shots on may 14th. i know she got distemper, is that the same thing as HDPP?
  • edited November -1
    OMG that's too cute!
  • edited May 2009
    Dyslexia setting in (LOL).... I had it as HDPP and meant DHPP ...that's Distemper Hepatitis Parvo and Parafluenza. So yep that is part of the series.

    I would register her for puppy K and go. A good training class will require all pups to be up on their shots so she should be fine. There is always a small risk of exposure to all sorts of things. But since she has been started already on vaccs it should be far less likely there should be problems if she comes into contact indirectly.

  • edited November -1
    haha, those last few are very cute!
  • edited November -1
    ok cool. we were going to start her in training class as soon as she got all her shots. after next week we will look around and sign her up definately.
  • edited November -1
    So cute, I love a wet shiba...Good luck with your training search, hope you find one you like. Just to give you a heads up, from what I found in researching trainers on the island (May not be much for Puppy classes, but could be helpful should you decide to take her for further training):

    -the majority of training places around here emphasize choke collars or shock collars.

    -I personally didn't care for the Petsmart trainer in the Commack Store, not sure about her puppy class but she seemed pretty water bottle crazy with her adult dogs. (Dog started barking, she sprayed it in the face with the stream setting. If you're gonna spray an animal in the face, at least use the mist setting)

    -I've heard that there is one or two petcos with a decent positive reinforcement trainer, but training takes place behind an x-pen on the store floor next to the treat isle. I would go there for puppy classes as who knows if they actually disinfect their floors.

    -There is a positive reinforcement trainer, not affiliated with a store, that does offer puppy K but she is kind of pricey (8wk, 1hr per class, for $300)

    -A lot of non-petstore related training facilities are located in Huntington/Huntington Station.

    -Quite a few places charge for a consultation to determine what type of training regime is good for your dog, and then usually charges a lifetime, everything at once fee (ranging from $500-$1200)

    -If you want to do agility, or even just try it out, there's a group that trains and practices behind a school. They are pretty affordable, $10 per session, and I hope to try it out with Tetsu when he's old enough.

    -We eventually settled for one training facility that charges $150 for 8wk basic obedience, but after graduation you can become a member and pay $10 a class. This was more in our price range that didn't require training with a choke collar, though they do allow the use of the cloth ones (first class, they handed out paperwork about how people misuse the choke collar). A lot of it is praise and treats, with some use of body molding(pull front legs forward to teach them 'down'). They are not 'perfect', but they keep track and participate in many shows and events, as well as encourage the CGC and form a therapy dog group.

    Anyways, I hope that's not too much for you, but figure it may be helpful. I do have plenty of links on file if you want to see some of them. If you haven't done so, ask Kathy of Bali Hai who she would refer you to.

    Good luck, and keep up with the cute spam
  • edited November -1
    some video of the playdate with beth, tom, tetsu, and tikaani.


    not a foxing

  • edited November -1
    That Bath video is hysterical!
  • edited November -1
    Those are neat vids, what a cute baby.
  • edited November -1
    We got Katsu a little stuffed fox, she loves to cuddle with it. She actually loves to cuddle most of her toys, she likes to rest her head on a pillow or stuffed toy when she sleeps. Katsu also claimed the bed. She's always walking into the bedroom and putting her paws up on the bed. It's like she's saying "Come on guys, I'll take this big one and the couch and you get the little green one I used to have."
    Yesterday Dawn was cutting my hair and I guess Katsu got scared and she burrowed under a bunch of pillows we had left on the couch. She's too funny sometimes. She goes back to the vet on the 14th for some more shots so we'll get to see how much she's grown. She was about 8.5 lbs last time, I'm pretty sure she's at least broken 10.
    Also the other night someone came up and knew Katsu was a shiba and a girl. She said shibas were her favorite dog, but she never had one because her family always did rescues. She did call shibas sled-dogs, but we were tired so we just nodded our heads. Before we left I told her to check out NYC Shiba rescue.
    This morning when I was walking her I met another dog owner who lives at our complex. She thought Katsu was a Pom and I thought her Pom was a Shiba. He was shaved and from far away looked shiba ish. His name is Rusty and him and Katsu really hit it off. Hopefully we'll bump into them in the future.

    "I guess foxes aren't that bad."


    She did this herself.

    Not shaving me!


    This bed is now MINE! I want diffrent sheets because this color isn't doing anything for my fur.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Katsu, such a silly, pretty girl. I love weighing the dogs while they grew (basically the major reason we went to Petsmart practically every weekend), almost made a game of who can guess the new weight.
  • edited November -1
    I love Katsu spam!

    Holy Guitars! Who is the player? I am the VERY proud owner of my fathers 70's Fender Stratocaster but have NO clue how to play it. I also have a sweet Ibanez...another one I can't play...
  • edited November -1
    Holy Guitars is right! That's what Craig said when I showed him those pics. I think he was drooling a little.
  • edited November -1
    Joe plays the guitar, haven't seen him play yet...But if you look on the profile, he put down Fender Stratocaster as his fav. guitar
  • edited November -1
    Oh, I wanted to know shimaurashibalover92, when was Katsu born?...Not sure if you posted this anywhere, as I can't find it.
  • edited November -1
    she was born january 20th
  • edited November -1
    Katsu went to the vet and is now update on all of her shots.
  • edited November -1
    Katsu had her first class of puppy kindergarten. She was pretty scared most of the time, but she did great otherwise. Our trainer is really awesome, she really stresses positive reinforcement. She gave us some pointers on how to help Katsu work through some of her fears.
  • edited November -1
    *cough, cough*
    Where are the Katsu kindergarden pictures??? :)

    Glad that she was doing alright with the class, after a couple of more she will start to come out of her shell a bit.
  • edited November -1
    we didn't bring the camera. Maybe next time we'll take some pics with our phones, I'm not sure if I want to drag the camera along, I don't want to distract the other dogs. Here's some funny faces she's made lately though to hold you over.

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