Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    I am so excited to meet Katsu!

    While you are off stealing Sake I am going to steal Katsu!
  • edited November -1
    we're all going to end up stealing eachothers dogs, then at the end of the day we're going to have to do a prisoner exchange. hopefully we'll end up with the dog we came with.
  • edited November -1
    Katsu is such a pretty girl.
  • edited November -1
    Ok, so I just read this ENTIRE thread from start to finish for the first time. I'm talking every single post. and OMGOMGOMGOMG My heart has exploded from the cuteness of Katsu. I absolutely loved reading from pre-adoption to current. She's gorgeous. I can't get enough. More spam!!!
  • edited November -1
    Oh Katsu, such a cutie pie...See you guys tomorrow;)
  • edited May 2009
    In case you missed the East Coast Meetup thread we all attended the wonderful get together hosted by Edgewood on their gorgeous farm. It was one of the better weekends in recent memory and a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Katsu had a great time and claimed a part of the yard as her "korner", she'd sit there a little away from anybody until something interested happened and she'd try to jump in on some play time. I'm so proud of my little girl getting along with all the other dogs. The day after we joined in on the hike and Katsu did great. The only things that scared her were some random strollers and some guy riding his crotch rocket/donor cycle through the park. She even walked into a little pool near one of the streams, but only because Tikaani was there. I thought I'd post some Katsu centric spam here instead of clogging up the other post.


    We all went to Dawn's mother's house for Memorial Day. Her cousin Brendan brought his bulldog Dexter too. They had alot of fun playing, Dawn's mom's dog Brandy also joined in. After we came back home we had Brendan and Dexter help us with getting Katsu used to having another dog in the house. She did great and it was a huge improvement from last time. So maybe next time Tetsu and Tikaani come over she won't be such a brat.

    Dexter pinching a loaf
    Odie monster
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Katsu could convince ANYONE that they were dog lovers and needed a Shiba... no doubt!!!

    She is too much cuteness to handle!!! :o)
  • edited November -1
    Katsu has such a cute smile!
  • edited November -1
    It was such a blast meeting Katsu. If possible, she was even cuter in person!
    And the picture of the two of you passed out in the hotel room is too adorable for words!
  • edited November -1
    Cutie Katsu, Makes everyone's heart melt.

    I'm glad she's starting to show improvement with dogs in her home, I think it does help that she knows the dog before hand. Can't wait to see her once again on Saturday.

    PS: Nice Chipmunk
  • edited November -1
    Katsu makes me melt.... i love her!
  • edited May 2009
    Everyonce in a while I wonder what Katsu will look like when she's all grown up. I found a pic of a Shiba that I think she may look like when she's a big girl. What do you guys think? If any of you have older pups that looked like Katsu when she was little feel free to throw a pic of your dog on here.


  • edited November -1

  • edited November -1
    lol, she is so cute! a fast furball of energy!
  • edited November -1
    We took Katsu down to a local park today to scout it out for a possible meetup.com spot. While we were there we took a nice stroll down a wooded path, and she got to play on a beach for a while. She even went into the water! She had a great time meeting all the other dogs. We got the usual "Wow that looks like a fox!!" or "That's a shibu emu right?". We ended up running into two other shibas. Sushi a 12 yr old red girl and a younger creamie named Kiki(I think). Unfortunately we didn't bring the camera :(
    So here's some spame from the last LI meetup.
    Katsu and Tetsu
    Katsu, Momo, Kenshin
    Katsu reinacting a scene from Predator. The little grey dog had the best Arnold impersonation.
  • edited November -1

  • edited November -1
    LMFAO that video is priceless!
  • edited November -1
    Great video, too funny
  • edited November -1
    I saw that video on Katsu's blog...I cracked up! She is too cute!
  • edited November -1
    Nice video. LOL
  • edited November -1
    Hahahahaha I love it when dogs talk.
  • edited November -1
    That Katsu, she's really good at blogging.
  • edited June 2009
    I was trying to catch her dreaming. Lately when she's been asleep for a while she starts yipping. So i put the camera on the floor and set it to record her for 20 minutes or so. She laid there for about 15, but after she got up and got a drink she laid down and started doing all that stuff. She's such a camera slut!
  • edited November -1
    lol! That video was too cute. :)
  • edited November -1
    lol, real cute!
  • edited November -1
    Awwww I think shes so cute and Yoshi and I can't wait to meet her at a meetup :)
  • edited November -1
    We ended up hanging out today with Beth, Tom, Tetsu, and Tikaani. I think i'm going to call them B & T3 from now on because typing that is going to give me carpal tunul. So anyway we met up with B &T3 at Avalon Park and Preserve in sceninc Stony Brook for a little mini meetup and walk in the park. The park was beautiful and the dogs were great. We made a few rest stops along the way and took our time enjoying the beautiful scenery. After walking through the park we ended up heading down to a little beach near the park. It was a great time and everyone had a lot of fun.

    When we got home we decided it would be a good idea to rinse Katsu off since she had been playing in salt water. We got her in the shower and hosed her down without any problems. We dried her off without any problems. But as Dawn was holding her...problems. Here's a condesed version of the events.

    Dawn: "Look at her she's so cute, she's looks like a little baby wrapped up like this."
    Me: "Yeah she's a little cutie."
    Dawn: singing to Katsu "Rock a bye shiba on the....what the hell is that smell? Do you smell that? I just got a whiff of..."
    Me:"I don't smell any....ohh that's disgusting."
    Dawn:"Did she fart? What's that ugghhh!"
    Me:"It smells like that time she 'expressed her anal glands'"
    Dawn:"What's that smear on my leg?"
    I leaned over to smell it
    Me: Dry heaving

    Needless to say she ended up back in the shower but this time we had to use shampoo.

    Spam from the park to follow later tonight when I get back home. Unfortunately the battery died halfway through the walk
  • edited November -1
    Oh NO!!!! EEEWWWWW I know that smell. Oh god is it pungent. Did you manage to get it out of your skin?
  • edited November -1
    Yeah dawn got rid of it. THank God
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