Haru (and her puppies)



  • Ha ha ha Stacey we should find littermates to get.
  • That would be funny. This time I get the male and you get the female.
  • Well, the pups are 3 weeks old now, so socialization has started. Here's pup 1 and pup 2...

    Video of 3 and 4 coming soon...

    PS: Jen changed her mind and is calling the girl we're keeping (Pup 1) "Tika" now. (FYI)

  • Absolutely adorable. Your Tika seems really inquisitive... I can understand you want to keep her, she seems so sweet! (for now anyways :P )
  • Aww, those little chunks trying to walk around is so cute!
  • they are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited February 2011
    adorable! Kaiju & Ela did very well with them too :]
  • Awwww, the little sausages are walking :) Cuteness overload.
  • Sooooooo cute!!!! I love the non-stop tail wagging :)
  • Thats so cool, I just love those little Kai rolls.
  • The lil tails wagging are so adorable!
  • Super cute! I love the little tail wags as well! :)
  • Can't help but notice that it's been a while since there was more puppy spam. Just sayin' is all. ;o)
  • You read my mind!

  • PS: Kumi is showing some nice motherly instincts in this video too, huh?
  • So cute, despite it utterly freaking Hilo and Ruby out. Shame on me for leaving the sound on.
  • Awwww, so cute!! :D They are really cuddly, almost made me pet the screen! XD
  • Hehe, really cute! Tika sounds fiesty! lol :)
  • Who's doing all that squealing? :oP They sure are cute.

    I agree that Kumi is showing some real concern and sensitivity towards the pups. Great sign of her being a good mom herself.

    I love the puppy prance at 1:56 and the play bow at 2:28. They are adorable puppies. I'm so happy for you. They really do give me puppy fever. I never thought I'd say that.
  • Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I also think Kumi is showing some real good signs of becoming a great mother :D She is really sweet with the pups...
  • OMG they are all such pudges:)
  • They are so freaking cute
  • Was that Haru barking in the background?
  • I love kai pups...period.
  • Yep, that's Haru barking from outside. She's not thrilled with the other dogs being around her pups - but they gotta get socialized, sorry Haru!
  • Yeah I can recognize Haru's bark anywhere.
  • :) Awwww! Thanks for posting. I have missed seeing these little guys!

    And poor Haru... She just does not want to let go of her babies!
  • So cute! I love the videos Haru sounds so concerned with her pups.

    They're doing so good walking around.
  • So amazing!! So cute!! Makes us want another kai pup right now :) They r so addicting!

    Kumi is beautiful!
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