Haru (and her puppies)



  • hahahaha, I'd like to see any of you guys sleep tonight.
  • this is a huge milestone for kai ken development, i'm so happy and excited for ya brad

    those puppies are looking mighty fine and it couldn't have happened without the great stock and people that made it happen. big up to kato-san and the breeders in japan for their contribution to this huge moment. i can't wait to see how these puppies grow and develop.

    this forum will be even better with all the posts of the dogs at their new homes

    kai ken banzai

    yamabushi kennel banzai

  • edited April 2011
    @araks - lol not like we will be getting much sleep the next month anyway ;)
  • I couldn't sleep from 3-5am...hitting the road for Boston shortly.
    The storm is less intense than predicted, so we'll make it okay!
  • Thanks all!

    @WCP - Yes, mos def big thanks to Shigs! @TheWalrus

    @Wryly Brindle - Drive safe!

    @jujee - You will be happy to know that Taka made it through the night fine w/o any potty issues. Her first night w/o her brothers and sister (tho they were already crated separately for weeks).


    The pups should be being dropped off about now for their flight out of Denver! :o)

  • flight tracker time, haha!
  • About getting sleep, I accidentally took the night time cold medicine during the day and the day time cold medicine at night. All day I felt like I was going to keel over, and then when it was finally bed time, I couldn't sleep! Whoops.

    I'm going to need a nap at some point, or I'll have to pull over and sleep on the side of the road on the way back. I'll be getting home around midnight or so. Which will actually be neat, because after midnight, it's Naomi's birthday. We brought Rakka home on Noah's birthday. Total coincidence, but Naomi's getting a puppy for her first birthday.
  • Ooh, hopefully Kyuubi sleeps tonight and doesn't cry too much, but I'm expecting him to lol. :]

    I'll be back with Kyuubi in the evening! Ah so excited! 7 more hours!
  • Hey, Brad @brada1878

    What is the schedule you had them on?
  • I'm so excited! I know the pups will arrive just fine. They might be a bit excited to eat or they might be like Saya and eat.

    Bella when we brought her home she was so excited and missed her family she didn't eat much, but Saya she was like give me that good yummy food I'm hungry! lol
  • @hondru - They started bitching at us when the sun came up, tho I wouldn't let them out until around 7:30am. I would let them out in the yard with some of other pups so they could potty/play. They would be out there till around 9am, then I would move them to another area of the yard and feed them. I'd leave them in that area for about an hour so they could potty and play, then I would move them to a shaded kennel (5x10) in the larger yard. They would chill in there till around 1pm when I would move them back to the other area for feeding and play for a few hours. After that they would be moved back inside in and placed in an x-pen, where they would nap and interact with Jen/Chase and some of the inside dogs. Then around 7pm I would let them out for a potty break and for another feeding. They would chill out with the other Kai in the smaller area (outside) until 9pm or so, then they would come back inside for a few hours of "tv time"... Then we would let them out one last time before they were crated (separately) at bed time (around 11:30pm). Toward the end, they could make through the night w/o potty issues.

    For feeding, they had about 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

  • @brada1878 Could I receive one to Finland from the next litter :D?
  • Its like Christmas!
  • Better than Christmas! Kai puppies, in my book, are much better than Christmas. Or Kai puppies FOR Christmas? That'd be intense!
  • First time that I have been able to check in all day... I hope all the puppies are having safe and uneventful flights!

    And I better see some puppy pictures by tomorrow afternoon! :-D
  • He is on my lap right now as Kevin drives home from airport. He is so adorable n energetic!
  • w00t! w00t!
  • Chrys also got her pup safely. Juno is doing great. Waiting on Heidi now.......................
  • Yay for pups in new homes! Maybe one day I'll get a kai pup...you all are evil with the puppy enabling! *lol*
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