Haru (and her puppies)



  • They're all so cute! really love the last video with them all out together goofing around. poor cho cho seemed pretty jealous :)
  • Those are some adorable puppies :) I love their happy little tails, so cute!
  • I'm just getting caught up on this thread. Any idea why the pics and videos are not showing up for me?
  • Hmm... Does anyone else have issues seeing them?
  • @brada1878 only from my phone.
  • I keep looking at this thread when I'm supposed to be researching and writing a short essay on media and democracy. Darn cute pups are like crack.
  • Well, this wont help you any...

  • They are growing so fast. I love those little tails going non-stop.
  • Love how round they are, LoL and they must really like the taste of your camera.
  • I think I just died and went to puppy heaven! :)

    And Kumi is looking great! Looks like her green been diet has been working.
  • Uh oh they are are so cute! They are doing great outside. Kumi is going to be such a great mom.
  • edited March 2011
    Awwwww they are SOOO adorable. I'm dying from puppy fever here!! xD

    I love seeing those little chunky bears strutting around and their little tails going nonstop :D
  • I love it! Sosuke was nose-diving into the camera in the last video you posted, too. Silly pup. So is Pup 2 named Kaiju?
  • Puppy 2 was named Kaiju but it is now changed to Koji.
  • nuts! I have to wait till Monday to be at an internet connection capable of seeing these movies. I could use a puppy fix...
  • Tika, Koji, Juno, Sosuke. Yay, they all have names!
  • Oh! I wonder who Juno is going to. :)
  • Brad Hilo kept talking to you and Jen while I was watching the videos. So cute!
  • @sunyata So you know who Koji is going to?
  • @hondru - I do... But I have been sworn to secrecy! :)
  • I want Koji!
  • @sunyata I think I've got a pretty good guess...but I'm not saying anything :P haha
  • @sunyata
    No fair! xP You can't just say "I do" and then not tell. If you are sworn to secrecy just don't tell that you know. Sooooo curious now! Haha...
  • I've told myself to stop being curious to avoid wanting one of them Kaiblobs. It hasn't worked very well.
  • lol... Only a couple of weeks until the pups go home... Everyone will know soon enough! :)
  • I was going to keep Sosuke a secret until I got him, but obviously I'm too much of a blabber mouth.
  • congrats on you new puppy
  • How about this for stability - Masha and Haru sharing mother duty...

  • Very good videos! You need to colour-code those puppies, btw, so they're easier to identify. Also... MORE VIDEOS! :o)
  • Those puppies are so cute! :D And Holy Crap! Kodi is massive!
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