Haru (and her puppies)



  • They are all growing so fast.
  • That is really interesting about the oxytocin/nursing thing.
  • The oxytocin positive feedback loop concept makes a lot of sense.
    When I started my work in pre-vet, post grad studies - I started to focus on what causes and what can relieve stress in shelter dogs.
    Of course stuff like DAP makes a lot more sense than rescue remedy,etc, but I also read a lot of research on oxytocin supplementation for people.
    People, with say, Asperger's may take oxytocin supplements to help them form relationships, help them trust, harness love.
    It's considered the love hormone... kind of makes it all relative though.
    In large wild cats there are a lot of studies that suggest oxytocin contributes to the formation of 'pair bonds'.

    It's amazing how these hormones control actions in humans and other animals.
    Thanks for the write up on your observations with the momma dogs.
  • That is really interesting, though I do wonder if things would be somewhat different if you guys lived in a low predator area. Some animals will not hang around their kids too much to prevent leading predators to them, or keeping guard and watching for danger (which would be hard to do with babes climbing on them). Since you have way more experience at this than i do, you would have better insight about these pup, so this is just a thought I had.
  • are these uber-cool kaiblobs gettin' ready to go to their new homes? I needs me some new pics! :)
  • @MrMcFly - I will get some new pics this weekend. This week has been really busy for me.

  • Thanks for the pictures, videos, and information. =)

    I love learning anything about dogs and their wild cousin's.

    I love the puppies coloring too.
  • I finally had a chance to check out all the vids...wow, nice job! Those are some great looking pups, I can't decide which I like better...2 or 4. Which pup had to eat something from all four dishes in that feeding video? That was hilarious...hmm...this dish is okay...but whaddya have over there...lemme see...yeah...not bad...I can help you with that...oh wait...whats in that dish...mmm...yup...like that...think I can finish up here...no wait...one more...let the girls distract the others...don't think they'll notice...ahh, dish number four is mine, success! :)
  • What do you say to one more round of puppy pictures before they all leave the ranch? Pretty please with maple syrup?
  • If it's fresh VT Maple Syrup, I'll fly out there and take the pictures myself. I LOVE that stuff! :-)
  • Alright people, maple syrup aside, Brad said he'd post pictures over the weekend and I for one demand satisfaction!
  • edited March 2011
    @brada1878 Hopefully the stress of raising 4 adorable little tiger dogs hasn't worn you down too much. But I bet it has been worth it, eh? This week is gonna be looooooong for me. :)
  • Dave, I'll see what I can do...
  • I'm focusing all my energy this week on cleaning the place up and getting everything organized. That way (in theory) I'll be able to spend more like with Sosuke and less time doing chores. Of course, the house won't stay clean, but at least I'll have gotten rid of a lot of crap, lol.
  • Omg u guys started commenting on this thread so I thought there was new puppy spam lol.
  • edited March 2011
    @cmpteki - I think that was puppy 1 that sampled all the food dishes.

    @Wryly%20Brindle @hondru @MrMcFly @jujee -
    Yes, I did say I'd take pics and, I'm sorry, I didn't. I passed the opportunity on Saturday then it was raining yesterday. I will take some this afternoon tho and post tonight or tomorrow. I think I got some video, I'll check that. I have a lot of work stuff going on right now, so I've been slammed and not able to take as many pics and videos. Sorry.

    @MrMcFly - Raising puppies is great until they are 5 weeks or so, then they become a huge amount of work. But it's very satisfying to see them in their new homes and see that their owners are happy.

  • Oh, I'm just kidding around. You've done so much already and I'll get to see Sosuke really soon!
  • Which brings up a good point...you forum members who are getting these puppies better post LOTS of pictures of these beautiful babies in their new homes....
  • I second what Jessica said... Although a couple of you already have standing orders from me for pictures! :)

  • Ok, I took the pics - give me few hours to PP them.
  • edited March 2011
    Sorry for the dirty noses and Juno's wet head (Blue gave her a smooch).

    Puppy 1 (Juno)




    Puppy 2 (Kyuubi)




    Puppy 3 (Taka)




    Puppy 4 (Sosuke)




  • Dude they look awesome!
  • edited March 2011
    Psst its Kyuubi lol :)
    Second pic of Juno is my fav. She looks so pretty. They are all getting so big.

    this week is definitely going to go by so slow for me, especially Friday. Hope work will be a tad busy so I'm not counting down the hours and minutes haha :p
  • aykayk
    edited March 2011
    They're all very pretty pups.

    Did you switch pick pup? Wasn't Taka pup #1?
  • Wow their brindle is amazing! They are gonna be some amazing lookin Kai when they grow up!
  • I also thought it was Tika, not Taka?

    They grow so fast. They look so much bigger with each set of photos. I really like Kyuubi's black face. It's cute. Of course, I like Sosuke the best. Surprise surprise.
  • They are turning out quite nice; should be some proud new Kai owners very soon, now to get in line myself... :)
  • Juno looks SO feminine.

    So will any of these pups remain intact as part of the breeding program, or are they going to be on a spay/neuter contract? Just curious.

  • @jujee - Sorry!

    @ayk - Yes, there was a switch. We decided to keep pup 3 over pup 1 for a number of reason not excluding which pup would fit better with Chrys and her family.

    @hondru - Jen changed it to Taka. Wait a few days, I'm sure it will change again.

    @sunyata - Taka will be staying with us. All owners have the option to keep their pups intact if they want to contribute.

  • @brada1878 will the next few litters you guys have also be left up to the owners to keep the pup intact or will they be on a spay/neuter contract? Or have you guys not talked about it yet hehe.
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