Haru (and her puppies)

edited February 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Well, I figure I need to make an official statement regarding Haru. I'll leave this thread to Shigeru to provide his side of the details, but here is our side...

Haru has come to live with us. This was not a quick decision, we have been discussing it with Shigeru for over a year now.

The timing of her relocation was based on the fact that she is pregnant. She was mated to a dog from a kennel we selected while I was in Japan. She was mated to a dog named Riki from Tenrou Kensha (same kennel Musashi, Kumi's sire, is from). Gin, from the same kennel, was our first choice but was not Haru's first choice, she preferred Riki, and so she was mated to him instead. Both are very nice proven studs, and from what I understand, Riki may have been a better choice as he has a more chill temperament than Gin. So it seems like Haru knew what was best for her.

@TheWalrus - Shigeru, correct me if I am wrong here...

I think this will be the first Kai Ken Aigokai litter born outside Japan, and we (Yamabushi Kensha) will be the first KKA registered kennel in North America. So, things are starting to come together with our North American Kai Ken preservation efforts! Special thanks to Shigeru for all his help translating and traveling and such! :o)

Haru is doing great with the dogs. She doesn't love the COs, but who can blame her for that??? They can be a little pushy with their new-dog-greetings. She seems to be coming around to them tho.

She really likes Blue and Kona, which is very cute. She is easily irritated by all the NK pups tho, but I am too (lol)...

Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted on her and get some pics and video posted ASAP.



  • Holy moly poly. I was wondering what was going on but didnt want to be rude and ask (yeah yeah when has that ever stopped me before but whatever :P) that means i didnt lose out on my chance to see haru! Yay! Wait that means shigeru needs a new kai. Will he be getting a haru pup?
  • Nice, can't wait to see the awesome pups come from her litter as well as spam of her:)
  • edited January 2011
    Awesome!!!! How exciting!!!

    What does Riki look like?
  • Wow! That is a suprise and big news! I can't wait to see how she does.
  • Hah! I thought Haru seems a little "filled out". This is exciting to hear, and of course, I'm a big fan of letting the females decide which dog they prefer. :-)
  • :) I'm happy that you guys will be the first KKA Kennel in NA! :] You and Jen have done so much to preserve this breed and of course thanks to Shigs to help make this all happen! :) I am excited and cannot wait to see Haru's pups!
  • lol... Darn, there went my idea of a Haru/Kona litter! :)

    That is super exciting! Congrats on adding her to your pack and for the upcoming pups!
  • Thats great Brad, I think this was the best for Haru chan. She is such a sweet little Kai.
  • This is a really big sacrifice on Shigs part, and a huge opportunity for the Kai community here. I can't wait to see the pups. Is Riki the Kai I liked in a previous post?
  • I loooove the Aigokai. Some of the most beautiful dogs in the world.
  • Congrats on being the first KKA kennel here :) I'm really glad things are working out for you guys.
  • Wauw, that was a surprise. Best of luck with your new girl, and what a great day for american kai breeding!
  • Congratulations! I was wondering why Shigeru transported her all the way from Japan...now I know ;-)

    Not to be dense, but what does KKA stand for? (Kai Ken of America??). I am not up on Kai stuff as you can see....
  • Kai-Ken Aigokai (KKA). I think Brad's referring to being the first North American kennel also registered with the Japanese Kai Ken Aigokai. What I'm reading to what he's saying is that, any litter born from his KKA kennel, can theoretically compete in the annual KKA shows if one so desires?

  • So are Japanese Kai not registered with Nippo then? But registered with Kai Ken Aigokai?
  • If I understand correctly, the KKA is the preferred governing body for Kai in Japan. The UKC only recognizes Nippo style kai. The KKA does not allow dual registration, so you can see how the breeding population is very tight in the US since the US breeders wanted to show them with UKC and therefore used a very small number of dogs of Nippo descent. I think a KKA kai can be grandfathered in with Nippo, but then they lose KKA registration. Also, the standards for the two types are quite different from what I'm given to understand, so it boils down to preserving correct breed type, temperment and diversity and this is a priority above getting them in to the rings here to show. I hope I got that right Brad and Shigeru!
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks all! :o) We are super excited and VERY happy to have Haru here with us.

    @Edgewood - Kris, the Kai Ken Aigokai (KKA) is the Japanese Kai Ken Preservation Society, and holds the bulk of the Kai Ken registered in Japan (around 600-800). The next largest registry, tho only 10% of the number of KKA-registered dogs, is NIPPO (around 100-150), with the JKC holding the least number of registered Kai Ken (around 100). KKA dogs are not allowed to be registered with any other registry, doing so will revoke the KKA registration.

    What this means for Haru's puppies is that her pups will be recognized and papered by the Japanese Kai Ken Preservation Society (Kai Ken Aigokai aka KKA), making them part of the Kai Ken preservation efforts in Japan. It also means her pups will be able to compete in KKA-sanctioned events, like the biannual Kai Ken Aigokai Tenrankai (KKA Exhibition).

    The reason it is important to us (Jen and I - and Shigeru) that our kennel be a KKA registered kennel is because our focus is that of preservation in North America. With KKA having the largest (and oldest) gene pool in Japan, KKA dogs fit best with our mission.

    You can get a limited registration with NIPPO for any KKA dog, but you revoke your KKA membership by doing so.

    Shigeru actually did an extensive write-up on this topic in this thread: http://www.nihonken.org/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/5989/the-kai-ken/

    We are working with KKA and KKA members to create the North American Kai Ken Hozonkai (NAKKH), which will hopefully be the only KKA recognized registry and act as a bridge between the KKA and the UKC/AKC.

  • oops, cross-posted with Lindsay. Sorry!
  • @brada1878 Just one question. If Kona breeds with let's say Haru, then can the puppies be registered as KKA?
  • Wow, Brad! That is so super cool! I really, really have to make it down to see the kai army!
  • @tjbart17 - Nope. A UKC Kai Ken cannot be registered with KKA. If all goes well with the NAKKH plans, pups produced from a (UKC Kai Ken) x (KKA Import) would be able to register with the UKC as the UKC would accept a NAKKH pedigree. Kona *might* be able to register with NAKKH too, but the details of that have not been worked out just yet (waiting to resolve the KKA stuff first).

    We will probably breed Kona, even if the pups cannot be registered, and then hold on to a pup from that breeding, placing the others in non-show non-breeding homes, until Kona can be registered NAKKH (or the KKA import can be registered with UKC). At that point we would then register the pups of that litter with the UKC. We do not plan to register any of our KKA imports with the UKC.

  • aykayk
    edited January 2011
    So if I understand this correctly, the NAKKH is the more inclusive group recognizing UKC and KKA dogs?

    But the KKA does not reciprocate and recognize NAKKH dogs?
  • So on my side...

    Haru is a terrific dog, and the best pet I've had to date. The decision to place her with Brad and Jen took a lot of time and was a difficult one to make. It basically boils down to the fact that she doesn't fit into my program as I'm trying to breed boar hunting Kai. She's a great hunter, but I have to push her to hunt boar and that's not something I like to do.

    Due to whole slew of circumstances, this was the perfect timing to bring her over to her new home, and so I am very happy to place her in Brad and Jen's care. As Brad mentioned, she's been bred to Riki, a very nice chu-tora from Tenro Kensha, and at last check she was carrying.

    To my knowledge this is the first KKA litter born overseas, and Yamabushi will be the first KKA registered kennel overseas (paperwork should be finished by the time I get back).

    Everything posted so far about the KKA/NIPPO/JKC registration is correct. Brad, Jen and I are working to sort out the best direction to go in regards to registration in NA, and hopefully everything will go smoothly. The KKA is the oldest and by far the largest Kai registry as Brad stated, so drawing from this gene pool is absolutely necessary for the welfare of the breed in NA.

    I don't have any good pictures of Riki at the moment other than some taken of the actual breeding, but as soon as I do I will post them.
  • Riki is the second male from the top on Tenro Kennel's page here http://tenroukensya-hp.web.infoseek.co.jp/sub7.html
  • OHH! He is quite stunning. I bet Haru's pups are going to be absolutely gorgeous! Have you guys already got some homes lined up for these pups?
  • @ayk - Yes, that is the purposed plan, tho it has not become official yet and there may a be a different route that is taken for the reg of KKA dogs with the UKC. It's all a work in progress - the end result will be, tho, that a KKA dog's litter (through one process or another) can be registered with the UKC.
  • Wow those pups are going to be probably some of the best looking Kais in NA. Soooooo any plans on placing any pups with a hunting home??????
  • I am so happy for you Brad. This is huge for preserving the kai in its true form. Keep me updated on the progress of the NAKKH as I am very interested in it.
  • Both of those dogs are stunning. Wow. Just wow!
  • Wauw, Riki is really something :)
    He and Haru will make gorgeous puppies! Can't wait to see what comes out ;)
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