Haru (and her puppies)



  • Good luck!

    ...and your couch...well good thing it is vinyl!
  • Awww I so wish I was there right now. I'm sure she'll be fine, but Haru's first litter.... happy times. Good luck!
  • Her water just broke!
  • Yay! Hope everything goes smoothly!
  • Haru's puppy 1 born at 7:36pm - a female, 11.5oz!
  • AHH! Go Haru ! You can do it!
  • Puppy 2! At 7:50pm, a boy, 10.5oz.
  • Woo Haru!
  • Yay! How cool is Haru that she made a couch fort? My inner five-year-old is totally jealous.
  • Whoa, she's not wasting any time! You go girl! :-)
  • I can't keep my eyes off this thread! Go Haru!!! Kai puppies at the Anderson home. This is the best day.
  • I think she might be done!
  • Looks like she stayed on the couch afterall :P
  • I thought there were three?
  • Yay!! Congrats :)
  • Ultrasounds are less precise than x-rays in counting pups.

    I'm still holding out for one more pup though! :-)
  • I think I may just want there to be a third. I like the number three. Especially when it comes to pups! Look at my pack!
  • Two puppies! Yay! Its so exciting to get to see a pic so soon....
  • Yea, she did it on the couch... We just wanted her to be comfortable, so that's fine. She's in her whelping box with them now. The couch cleaned up really easy... Vinyl FTW!

    Haru did a GREAT job, super chill and in control. We are uber-impressed. All this buildup, months of planning, Shig's travels to and from Japan, weeks bonding with her intensely hoping it will go well and she will accept us as her owners... Finally we get to this point... and she's done in like 45 minutes. LOL

    The Ultrasound lady said she *thought* she could see a third heart beat, but she only saw 2 puppies. We'll wait and see, but she looks like she is done. We do ultrasounds because studies show that young pups who are still in the womb and subjected to xrays have an increased risk of cancer.

    And WOW is this easier than a Masha litter. LOL (so far...)

  • I am so happy for you guys! And very thankful it went well and fairly quick :) - and no late nights to the vet in a crazy weather!
  • Gah i am so excited for you guys. Watching these babies grow is going to be amazing.
  • Dude that is so awesome, Haru is such a good mama. What a great new beginning!
  • aykayk
    edited February 2011
    Considering that pregnant dogs can reabsorb pups when shipped, two pups is a resounding success for yours and Shigeru's efforts. :-)

    One pup of each sex... it's hard to refrain from imagining the matching possibilities. :-)
  • Aw, too awesome...Congratulations Brad, Jen & Haru!!
  • I want there to be more puppies, because, hey, more puppies! But you can't scoff at a nice, uncomplicated delivery where everyone's happy and healthy!
  • Well, Jen and I left Haru alone, she was just chilling and nursing her pups... We watched an episode of Tosh.0, came back to check on her... There's 4 puppies now! Crazy!

    We think maybe us not being here reduced her stress a bit and maybe that helped her have the last 2. I say *last* 2 but at this point we have no idea. LOL

    So far she has had 2 girls and 2 boys.

  • They doubled? Hey, that's impressive! And even split between boys and girls. Haru's good at this.
  • That is too awesome...This is probably a bit early to ask, but what are your plans for the pups (basically how many are you planning on keeping)?
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