Haru (and her puppies)



  • That's really exciting! :D Keeping my fingers crossed everything goes well for Haru.
  • OH! How exciting... I am definitely keeping you guys and Haru in my thoughts this week! :)
  • So excited!! Can't wait for the big day and all that puppy spam to come:)
  • Oh, Good luck, Haru! :)
    I'm thinking of ya, girl!
  • Well, today her temp has dropped below 100°F, so that means she should have pups in the next 24-48 hours. We'll check again later today to make sure the reading wasn't a fluke.
  • edited January 2011
    Wow, too exciting...Would be funny if they came on Groundhogs Day, then they could be a sign for a hopefully early Spring;)
  • exciting :) can't wait to see pics later on.
  • Nice! This is so flip'n exciting!
  • Checked her temp again and it's still below 100F.
  • PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!
  • Yay! Haru puppies soon! :)
  • Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
  • I bet they will be here early Wednesday morning! :-D
  • Puppies,puppies, puppies! SO EXCITED! Can't wait to hear more!
  • WOO HOO PUPPIES!! Exciting Exciting Exciting
  • Yeah your home will finally have Kai puppies born there!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!
  • Well, we think it will happen today, and she seems to want to have her pups on our couch in the office. lol
  • Wooooo Woooooo I think she said "f your couch!" lol
  • I'm so excited! Please let us know how she is doing. I can't wait to see how the puppies do.
  • Please please take video and pictures. I can hardly believe this is your third litter! Congratulations!
  • Patrice suggested I setup a streaming video feed of it, I'm thinking about it... Tho it will be after the litter is here.
  • Just plop on the whelping blanket and towls! LOL.
  • I am quite excited! :)

    Hope all goes well and she spares your couch... Haha.
  • Oh boy, I can see it now, while in class my instructor asks me what's so important that I'm looking at my phone the entire class lecture. My response "oh just watching some puppies!"
  • Yay Haru!
  • I thought I'd share this pic of Haru, she made herself a little tent on our couch in the office. I think she has decided that is where she'll have her pups.... Not sure how I feel about that, but we just want her to be comfortable. Once the first pup is delivered we can move her to the whelping box (if not before the first pup).

    Haru ready to have babies

  • Hope you have something waterproof under that!
  • Haha... We do, and its a vinyl couch. LOL
  • Aaaah puppies can't wait!! She looks a little nervous in that picture, but I know she'll be a great mom :)
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