Haru (and her puppies)



  • We plan to keep a female unless there is a very outstanding male. I think Peggy will get one too, not sure which sex tho, and then the other 2 will go to cooperative homes.

  • That is pretty cool, whoever is getting the pups you and Peggy don't keep are really lucky
  • aykayk
    edited February 2011
    Hahaha! I just knew it! (I was really thinking 3+1, but didn't want to raise hopes up for anybody else.)

  • Ship one of the extra ones off to Auntie Tara's house! :-D'
  • Soooo happy :) and so relieved to hear it's going so smoothly.
  • Congrats on the pups! Haru is such a gorgeous dog, I bet her pups will be stunning as well.
  • hmm, so the other "expected" one and an extra?! Go Haru!
  • That's great! Whelping days are somehow magical.
  • This is awesome!!!! Way to go Haru!!!!! Wish the best for those cutie puppies!
  • Haha awesomesauce.
  • Sweet deal on the split and extra pups!

    Congrats, I'm SUPER excited and happy about Haru-chan and her pups. All that planning and work paid off. Looking forward on seeing them grow up.
  • Wow!! Thats so cool! Good Luck with the puppies and Haru recovering.
  • This is so cool.....And pretty amazing that you thought she was done, and then, there were two more! Wow! Can't wait to see pics of them!

    Haru is amazing!
  • edited February 2011
    congratulations , look forward to lots more pictures. she really is a stunning looking girl. i think i may want a kai now, although we have none here in the uk.
  • Congratulations! :)
  • YAY! (I am SO late to this!)

    Congrats Haru! (And Shigs and the Andersons!)

    And that is awesome that there are four pups, evenly split!

    (And I SO wish I could be one of the cooperating homes! Haha... One day... :) )
  • Congrats :)!
  • Very good news. Glad to hear everything went well. This is a huge day for the future us Kai program
  • Congratulations! I'm glad everything went well!
  • Oh wow!!! 4 puppies! Congrats!
  • Yay,Haru!! Good girl!
    Congratulations Yamabushi!
  • Yay 4! Congrats :)
  • edited February 2011
    Just thought about this n Haru had her pups in the lunar year of the tiger :) Tomorrow will be the new year and year of the rabbit.
    Yes I am a nerd
  • @jujee
    Ooo, you're right! I'm a tiger and I had a tiger baby back in April, too. And now there are four little tiger puppies. How cute!
  • Heidi were the same age? Huh...for some reason i thought you were older than me.
  • I'm a tiger too :)
  • Maybe because I have a bajillion kids. Anyway, hurray for tigers!
  • Lol well since i thought that way when you only had one, i doubt thats it :P
  • So... is Miss Haru allowing photographs of the puppies yet? :)
  • edited February 2011
    What im interested in is how yamabushi will go about naming them. Will this be the "a" litter or whatever names fits them best litter?
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