Haru (and her puppies)



  • @jujee - Moving forward, yes, we will have desex contracts for people uninterested in breeding. In this case, since the whole litter was imported, we wanted the majority of the pups to go to (potential) breeding homes. Chrys is the only non-breeding home in this litter (her choice).

    I wrote my response the way I did because I wanted to try and make it clear that, for pups that are placed in potential breeding homes, there is no contractual obligation to breed or not breed, or to only breed with us, or anything like that. If you are approved as a "breeding home" you own your pup and have the right to breed that pup as you wish - and if one wants to work with us, they are free to do that as well.

    Our goal is one of preservation, and we feel putting too many restrictions on breeding homes does not server that goal.

    Of course, our pups are registered KKA, and so that does apply certain limitations to potential breeders for now, but moving forward that should not be the case (KKA will not be as limiting).

  • edited March 2011
    @brada1878 - Thanks for the info. :)

    Hopefully things will work out (breeding wise) for the other three pups. I am so excited to see how they grow and mature.

    And Chrystal better bring Juno to the meet up in May! :-D ( @Wryly Brindle )
  • Maybe you can call her TikTak.
  • Man, 3 more days, but it feels like forever. I had the strangest dream last night.. that Kevin and I went to go pick up our pup from airport, but for some reason they just handed us our pup, no crate. And the pup wasn't even a Kai, it was a female shikoku pup!

    Think I'm going a tad bit crazy :P
  • I had a dream about it, too. I dreamt that I picked up Sosuke but he wasn't a puppy, he was full grown and then I didn't have any of the stuff I needed.
  • Just wait till you get them, we plan to send you CO pups instead of Kai Ken! muahaha

  • Imagin looking in the crate and all you see is a big fuffy brown CO! Hang in thre Julie, you got what I call puppy fever.
  • "Ahh! My puppy was eaten by a teddy bear!"
  • ^^yup, that sounds like a normal reaction to this.

    The puppies look awesome by the way :) You all must be very excited (no duh).
  • Wow they get cuter and cuter! Hopefully pics will be put up once they get to their new homes and are settled!! :)
  • I told Jen about your dreams and she said "how sad is it that people getting puppies from us have nightmares about us screwing up and sending them the wrong dog breed?" LMAO

  • Any dream with a Yamabushi puppy is NOT a nightmare, no matter what breed! :-P

    I think it would be so awesome if you guys made a mistake and sent one of the puppies to me instead. :-D Haha.
  • Well, we ARE picking them up on April Fool's Day.
  • Lol. I think my dream was telling me I also need a Yamabushi shikoku.
  • NK puppies are cute, but CO pups are just plain awesome. My mom went with me to pick Grym up from shipping. She started sobbing the instant his little fuzzy bear head poked out and he's been her grand puppy ever since.
  • I think Juno will have Sage wrapped around her finger (dewclaw?) in pretty short order. I told Reilly her apprentice was arriving soon and I hoped she has her curriculum and syllabus ready.

    It will be interesting to have such a small, feminine dog...I cannot wait to pick her up and meet her! I am worried about the big storm Boston is supposed to get, though... :/
  • edited March 2011
    Chrystal don't worry about the weather it is supposed to be nothing. Little wet mix that's all.
  • Phew! thanks Jessica! I wish you could come with me to pick her up, but I know a drive to Logan is not your idea of a good time. We're getting 14 inches (they say) up here...Juno wont see grass for a while.
  • I would LOVE to come to Logan and be with you for the pick up, but I am working until 7pm and then Jason is performing at a Tom Waits tribute to benefit a Soup Kitchen here in Providence, and it is his last performance for a very very long time. Kind of HAVE to be there.
  • Yeah, you should be there! Jay's going to have get his gravelly voice on for a Tom Waits tribute...I'll enjoy time to myself picking up my girl, not having to share her yet. :)
  • The pups leave with Jen today for Denver, then catch their plane out tomorrow AM. :o)

  • So exciting!
  • Okay... Heidi, Chrystal, Julie, & Kevin... Just a friendly reminder to charge your camera batteries! :-D
  • LOL, I did yesterday, actually. And I'm packing my "puppy bag."
  • edited March 2011
    I need to charge my flip as well to get some video footage. Ahh so exciting.

    Brad I'm sort of glad Jen is taking the pups lol since u do seem to forget who is who sometimes haha. If you guys did have CO pups we might have really gotten them lol! ;)
  • My trip is an overnight and my (and her) stuff is migrating in the direction of the bag...stopping at the PO to see if her tag is in! Thank you SO Much Brad and Jen! and Shigeru too!
  • I know how you must be feeling right now. When I was waiting Nuuk I couldn't sleep or do nothing reasonable (it was looong 9 hours bus drive :D).
  • Congratulations guys and best wishes!
  • @jujee - Good point! I really am crappy at telling them apart. lol

  • here's to @brada1878 not losing sleep over the pups!!! have a safe trip Kyuubi, Juno and Sosuke!!!!
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