Jazz Spam *817009-Massive Jazz spam*



  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Thanks LJ :) I'll definitely let you know!
  • edited November -1
    HI JAZZ! You are so cute!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Jazz is such an adorable dog!
  • edited November -1
    Thank you very much!
  • edited November -1
    Miso has a crush on Jazz...
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Aww! Jazz does not look thrilled to be a witch. :) However, she does look awfully cute on her new bed!
  • edited November -1
    Yesterday, my niece and I went over to visit Rachael, Niko, and Sasha. Things went relatively well and below is a clip of a couple of vids put together.

    Then, I pulled out a bag of costumes that I had picked up on clearance so that we could torture the dogs.

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    I'll also be taking some this weekend of the new leash and collar that Pam made.
  • edited November -1
    HAHAH GREAT video!!! I Love how Little Miss Sally made herself right at home on Niko's bed. (Or is it Sasha's bed?) And how Niko says...."NO way chick! That's MY wishbone toy!" LOL

    This may be a question for another thread....but I noticed that the more Sally barked the less Niko liked it. That's how it was with Honey at the dog park with the loud mouthed beagle there. Do shiba's have a thing about "loud" dogs??? Anyone else notice this?? Do you think that shiba's consider Barking "rude"? Or am I way off base here? LOL ( I thought maybe because they are basically quiet dogs they dont like the barking??? IDK?)
  • edited November -1
    I LOVE Sally as a ladybug. Too cute. I'm so happy that Jazz was initiating play.

    I also saw Sasha wagging her tail!!! Yay Sasha.
  • edited November -1
    <3 Jazz, and Niko guarding the nylabone is seriously one of my favorite things hehe

    Katie - Keiko is far from quiet lol, she doesn't usually bark (unless Belle annoys her), but she's a HUGE talker, sometimes it goes on for so long it sounds like she's singing.
  • edited November -1
    Too bad we couldnt get Jazz chasing Niko on Video.
    Niko isnt used to vocal dogs, but she is UBER vocal-like turn the volume up to the TV vocal. I think Niko isnt used to someone "talking back". I also think Jazz may have been thrown off when Niko was so vocal because they sound so much the same but are vocalizing for different reasons. Niko will curl her lips and put her hackles up when playing.
    That is Niko's bed, After 2 years of having Sasha, she is just NOW starting to lay on it. Niko doesnt share and even if Chad and I touch the bed she will hump it to reclaim it.
    Niko is newly obsessed with that Nylabone. She alternates with them. She didnt even want to chew on it, she just didnt want anyone else to have it. She did do well and not get aggressive (overall she does well with sharing). I honestly dont think Niko is the dominant one so she is used to having to share because Sasha tends to take things away from her periodically. Sasha likes to keep her guessing.
    Sasha did very well! Everyday I continue to be in awe of the progress she makes. She even went up to LJ's niece and licked her (and then ran, infamous lick and run). She now will eat her dinner with my mom walking around and will go outside with my mom at the door. When we got her foster mom would have people stop in to let her out and they would have to open her kennel, then the door and leave the house so she would go outside (and it was a close friend). Sasha is so amazing and I am so glad you guys get to see her tail wag!
    Sorry for hi-jacking.
    I think that the more Jazz is here the more it might help. Niko is just so carefree and just doesnt let a thing faze her. Overall she listens to Jazz's warnings but I think she also knows that Jazz is a lot of talk...
    : )
    It was fun!
  • edited November -1
    It was a fun time - Jazz does better & better each time...now, if we can just get her to get over the extreme grouchiness in the beginning.
  • edited November -1
    I have to say, it looks like Jazz did really well. I'm used to her just standing around in one spot when other dogs are around, so to see her up and moving around it awesome!

    Sally is a little monster isn't she? The whole thing was just too damn cute.
  • edited November -1
    yes, sally is a little fire ball isn't she!
    she and jazz have just finished a play battle, but unfortunately, sally tried to snack on jazz's bone and jazz would have none of that.

    ps. your guys are a bunch of crazy dog people. j/k lol!

    -LJ's niece,
  • edited November -1
    My niece referenced a play battle - that one included some shiba 500's, but this one happened about 20 minutes after the one she was talking about.

  • edited November -1
    Oh man LJ. Seeing Jazz play puts a HUGE smile on my face! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Me, too! I know one of these days she'll play in the open - she initiates more play with Sally every day. She moved around a lot more with Niko on Wednesday, too. Maybe we'll eventually get to the point where she doesn't grumble for the first 30 minutes *daring to dream*
  • edited November -1
    LJ - Jazz seems to be doing really well! I am so happy that she is playing and romping with the other pups! Give her some time, and I bet she will no longer grumble at the thought of being around other dogs. Congrats on all the accomplishments you and her have made lately!

    Rachael, same to you with Sasha! I loved seeing her tail wag.

    Thanks for sharing all of your triumphs (to both of you)! :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I forgot how much ENERGY puppies have. That Sally is a blur! lol

    I'm so happy for Jazz. She looks younger and younger every day!
  • edited November -1
    She and sally look to have a mutually rewarding relationship! Go JAZZ!
  • edited November -1
    Sally has lots and lots of energy and, then plop, she's asleep. She makes me tired watching her.

    Pam - could you see Jazz's collar?? This weekend is the Grand Opening of a store in the midtown area and I'm going to have the photographer from Potophetish take some shots of Jazz in the unbelievably cute collar & leash. My niece is trying to convince me to buy a Vera Bradley bag that comes close to matching the pattern.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    HAHA! I was so fixed on trying to keep up with Sally that I didn't look for it! It looks great on her!!! I love that she got the first official Bark and Giggle collar :D I feel a little tear forming now.... lol

    Can't wait to see the photos. And yes, you must definitely get a matching Vera bag :D
  • edited November -1
    I was going to ask you if you make Handbags - I'm looking for the Mini-hipster style or the Amy style.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I haven't attempted it, that's for sure! I'm in the middle of designing a diaper bag for the "Giggle" side of the store....and once I get down to constructing it, I'll let you know how handy I am with handbags :)

    Also, just as a heads up, the "Mod Floral" fabric is running out! I used a ton of it for the Hawaii Shiba meetup group goodbye gifts and I'm trying to figure out how I can track more of it down. I got it in Hawaii and haven't been able to find a place here that carries it.... (just my luck huh?) I found a few that are extremely similar but I'm partial to this particular print.... I know I definitely don't have enough right now for a handbag though :( Maybe after the New Year I'll have better news!
  • edited November -1
    Sally's effect on Jazz and Sasha is just amazing ---- I've found there's nothing like a puppy to get these (slighly older) dogs coming out of there shell. Loved every pug I ever met or had a chance to observe--- they are so freindly to dogs and humans! In the videos from the meetup, looks like everyone is having a good time, and I totally love how Jazz periodically looked like she was trying to protect Sally, the baby pug from Niko, the bid, bad Shiba (well, there was the Nylabone at stake!)!

    Oh yeah, totally love the hat and new orange locks for Ms. Jazz! What a great costume, and she is a fabulous model. Maybe a new career for her? Looks like she loves the costumes and will even pose nicely for the camera!
  • edited November -1
    Sally did perform a change in Jazz! That's so cool!
  • edited November -1
    I think it also helps that Sally isn't here 100% of the time. Ashley stays here Mon night - Wed night and that's when she is here.
  • edited November -1
    LJ!!! Amazing play vids of JAZZ!!! She looks so great playing with the little pug puppy! Great job with her :)
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