Raising a shikoku pup



  • edited November -1
    Shousei :-)
    He's 90 days, growing like crazy! Now we are collecting pics, but he never stops moving, unless he's sleeping…
    But will post very soon :-), here's already one where he was still in Japan.
  • edited November -1
    Love his coloring and really cute!
  • edited November -1
    Yes, thx, the coloring is amazing, even hard to capture with a picture. In real, even nicer. I love the mask, also the white underneath his chin is very nice. His daddy is very good looking, so lets hope he will pick up his DNA for the color part, at least… He is busy all the time, discovering new stuff. It's amazing that, right after the flight from Japan, he seems so comfortable, just a bit tired. But around here, nothing seems to scare him, he's curious about everything, and loves to play all day long. But he still has to get used to two big guys, who are far from puppy and so not always in the mood to play! But as he sleeps in his bench, during most of the time, Reno stays with him during the night, so he doesn't become lonely.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! He is very handsome!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks, yes he is. His sister is a look-a-like, just a bit smaller. And a bit higher temperament, but a real show girl :-)
    I hope this weekend we will find some time to shoot some pics to post. If the weather will be okay though, it's warm but also very wet.
  • edited November -1
    Not to sound redundant, but I was showing your pup to my wife and we both feel your pup is very handsome. Excellent choice! Congrats again!

  • edited November 2009
    Well, it wasn't easy to make the right choise, but we are very happy as well. But so far no easy adaption by Reno & Rico, it's a bit disappointing actually. He seems so absolutely sweet, wants to play with his "big brothers" but so far, nothing :-( He's on their teritory, where both lived all their 11.5 years. Don't see how a small 90 day old pup could be bothering them, but honestly, yes he does. So we really hope things will get better with some time. Outside it somehow seems a bit better.
  • edited November -1
    Haha. I know how that is, trust me! Take it from me, I know how it goes with intros and I now KNOW it NEVER goes the way you planned/think it will/would/should.

    Just take it slow and don't force it, if it's better outside then let them interact outside and not inside. They will slowly understand he's not going anywhere and they will start to accept him, then they will accept him inside and outside. It takes time, and each dog is different.

    The key, IMO, is to not make it a bad experience for the pup - (while he may not act like it) he is the most mentally fragile in the situation, so you don't want him to learn that the other dogs are mean.

    It's probably better he not have ANY experience with them (at his age) then to have a negative experiences with them (not to imply you should let them interact, I'm just pointing out how important it is to make it POSITIVE for the pup).

  • edited November -1
    Wow this guy is super freaking cute. Please put up more pics. I love his color.
  • edited November -1
    He's on their teritory, where both lived all their 11.5 years. Don't see how a small 90 day old pup could be bathering them, but honestly, yes he does. So we really hope things will get better with some time. Outside it somehow seems a bit better.

    Have patience. I introduced my puppy Vallhund to my 7-year old Malinois and it took the Malinois one whole week, exactly 7 days, before he would acknowledge him. Then on the 7th day I'm looking out my kitchen window and the Malinois is on the ground at the puppy's level, rolling around, mouthing him while laying sideways so that the puppy could reach him and climb on him.

    But because you have two older ones, I would watch them carefully together, because I suppose they could pack up on a younger puppy.

    Very pretty puppy, though! Nice bone, very typey (with that characteristic Shikoku head), good feet. Looks like he will be a very handsome red sesame boy.
  • edited November 2009
    Hey guys, many thanks for all advises. This makes me feel much better. I felt so bad for the little guy, I really thought I am not doing him a favor by adding him to the family, although he loves our company so much. Sleeping on the couch, having toys, not on a chain or in a bench all the time. Getting the best food, and walking a lot, he really loves it. But I remember when Reno and Rico were puppies I took them to a place in a park where so many dogs (and their owners) came together. Most dogs were running free, one very joyful area of playing dogs, hardly any aggression. So they socialized very soon to any other size of dog. I will try the same this Sunday and see how it works out.

    Last night we walked all of them and started running. Slowly for R&R but pretty fast for the short legs of Shousei. But you could see the smile on his little Shikoku face while running with the big boys and being able to keep up with them. Very nice, they tolerated him on their side very well. So I hope, all it takes is a bit of time. For the time being we keep them a bit separated. But sometimes it also seems like one is defending the pup against the other, when he growls at him. For tomorrow I promise more pics, he seems to have grown, in just one week…

    Today I was at a dog show watching all these weird people, trying to show how far a dog can become estranged from nature. I am so happy we are sticking with our Huskies or our brand new Shikoku. Functionality as pure as possible.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats on Mr. Shousei. He's adorable and judging by his feet...he might be a "big guy"!

    Don't worry too much with is interaction with your Huskies...if the worse thing they are doing is ignoring him, that's fine give them time. It didn't really take too long for Lynxiene to accept Shoushuu, but it is taking longer for her to accept Kotomi. I am finding though that they do not do so great at home, but are fine outside the property.

    Congrats again on the new Shiku puppy! And enjoy him...he will have fun with his human(s) as well and I think Shikoku seem to enjoy their humans as much as they do the natural environment around them.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the comments, I do think too he will be big. He eats a lot, coming close to his big "friends". Anyway, a few more pics for those who like shikoku ken puppies!
  • edited November -1
    More spam?
  • edited November -1
    What about his eyes…
  • edited November -1
    With ambient light… Could almost be in Japan, where he was, just one week ago!
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Hi, Nico. What an enjoyable thread. I love your story of adding Shousei to your family. Reno and Rico are beautiful dogs too.

    Please continue to update us with your story of raising Shousei (sound of laughter in Japanese?).

  • edited November 2009
    Hello Michael and Vanessa,
    His full name is Shou Sei Homare, meaning Glorious Flying Star. Both our Huskies are very nice, just a bit grumpy right now. But after reading some of the comments above, we still have hope things will be okay in a little whle. Outside already seems to be much better. But Shousei is a bit rough. He really jumped on the dog of the neighbours, they have a female Malinois. She is a bit more patient with him, if it gets too rough she pushes him away.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, he is beautiful. More pics please!!! :)
  • edited November -1
    He's a really, really good looking puppy. He seems very "grown-up" for such a young guy. Congrats, and I'm glad things are going as smoothly as can be expected with the huskies.
  • edited November -1
    More pics? sure…

    He does seem very adult, but he really is a puppy in many ways. But I do shoot the pics mostly from a very low point, so maybe he looks bigger that way. But everything is there, his ears are pointed up very well, plus for a puppy he has very strong legs. It looks he's growing just about everyday, seriously. He looks bigger since he got here last Tuesday. But maybe we're just thinking this. These pics are taken today, he should be around 95-100 days now. We still need to get the exact date of birth plus the rest of his papers. It even looks he's getting a bit darker, the red also stronger. Very nice, he is sweet and gorgeous. Just a bit persistance in being naughty, but well, he's a shikoku :-)
  • edited November 2009
    With this pic he looks a bit more like a puppy.
  • edited November 2009
    Reno watching how Shousei, on top of the coffee table, is getting his reward for posing well. The funny face came incluse.
  • edited November -1
    He really is very pretty. It's encouraging that if you know the right people, I suppose, you can get very good quality puppies sent over from Japan. Or maybe they are ALL very good quality? Now there's a thought.

    Anyway, one always wonders why breeders abroad would want to send their best puppies away, forever removed from their own breeding plans. It's very generous of them to want to help the breed get established overseas, and to send such good quality.
  • edited November 2009
    I think not all are equally good, but since it is even a rare breed in Japan, not too many dogs have been messed up with funny breeding programs. If you find the right breeder, you can get the right quality. And even if that quality is very high, breeders cannot keep all dogs with them selves. So some have to go. Mostly they trade these dogs with other breeder friends to keep a high variety in blood lines. The quality of this dog had to be of exceptional level, since he is planned to participate in a high end breeding program. So we are very happy with him for so many good reasons.

    The picture is taken from a low position, so he looks really mature, however he is still small and cute :-)
  • edited November -1
    Great pics, really nice DoF on some of them! He's a handsome guy! :o)

    So are you planning on breeding him, or are you keeping him intact to work with a breeder in your area? I didn't realize you had breeding plans for this boy.

  • edited November -1
    He's beautiful!!!!!!!! And so masculine even at such a young age. He really is gorgeous. I just looked through his pics several times admiring him. Congratulations.
  • edited November 2009
    Brada1878: we have no breeding plans but we live in the Netherlands. He should fit in the breeding program of the Egmato Kennel and was selected for this. They have several World Champions so their standard is extremely high, even in relation to Japanese standard.
    DOF. I love my 135mm F2.0 and use it many times full open or at F2.8. An other nice one is the 85mm F1.8. Absolute great value for money, although it does need F2.8 or higher for maximum performance.
    the inside pics are taken with the 85mm, outside on the table with 135mm.

    tjbart 17: thanks, he also acts very masculine, a bit too much for his age. Some of his behaviour I would expect no earlier than 6 months or even later. But yes, he's a pretty boy, too bad we don't have video to show him running around!
  • edited November -1
    Shousei shaking a pheasant all over the place, including his ears :-)
  • edited November -1
    Ah I have been away. I love HIM!! Makes me wish for another Shikoku puppy to compliment by 2 year old :-). Still waiting for the female addition to my pack.

    Your boy has BEAUTIFUL markings! Love the last photo, my Kuma has the same stuffed bird and loves to shake it like crazy! Your photos are really nice too.
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