Raising a shikoku pup



  • edited November -1
    Hello Edgewood, thx for the comments, yes he loves his bird, but so many other toys, shoes, rugs, towels, and more… So far he cannot be left alone, but he has a nice "house" so he doesn't ruin the furniture and he is safe from R&R. He is now trying to kill the birdy again :-)
    Look at his show features, he is pretty good with pictures, posing for some treats.
  • edited November -1
    oh I want:)
  • edited November -1
    I'm speechless......... he is so handsome. I like your pics. I'm gona need pics daily :) and a video every other :)
  • edited November -1
    Pics daily? oeps, that's a lot of work, but we will try to do our best! One more…
  • edited November -1
    What a gorgeous guy! The look on Reno's face is so funny when Shousei is getting the treat. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
  • edited November -1
    Please forgive my ignorance I just read the last half of this post for the first time. I must have stopped just before you got you Shika. Shousei is beautiful!! I am experiencing the same dynamics with Koshi ,Levi & Gin. They do much better together outside than in . Puppy hood is such a challenge and other dogs only make it more stressful :( I'm sure your household & mine have a lot in common right now:) Levi has made it absolutely clear he is the boss & Koshi is starting to avoid him. Gin is the submissive one & she is stressed , She plays with Koshi outside but inside Koshi really harasses her and she is not putting Koshi in her place so I have to keep Koshi in her X- pen more often than I'd like, just to give Gin a break and keep the peace. We just need to be patient & know that positive things are measured one small step at a time.
  • edited November -1
    Oh man I'm loving the Shikoku pups. Congratulations to both of you! It's really cool to see two puppies of such a rare breed on here right now. It's making me check the forum daily for pics.
  • edited November -1
    CONGRATS!!!!! [ sorry, I'm late ;p ]

    He's STUNNING!!!! Have fun :D ~
  • edited November -1
    Some new pics in the garden. He is so sweet, but still a real puppy. Walking outside gets better and better, even inside becomes a bit less stressful. But it is on and off, not a constant improvement. As Two Socks says: very little steps, one at a time.
  • edited November -1
    He really is from Japan :-) He loves to chew on the bamboo leaves.
  • edited November -1
    Shousei is a stud..what is his DOB?
  • edited November -1
    So far we know he is of August 18th, but we still need to get his final pedegree. He might be a week or so older. Will keep you updated. What about Koshi?
  • edited November -1
    I am so late to this! Congrats, Shousei is gorgeous... He reminds me quite a bit of Nola with his colouring and markings.
  • edited November -1
    Thx Casey,
    yes, his markings are fantastic. I still need to make a photo of his back, even there he is very symetric and with very nice coloring details. With the brief amount of sunlight he is on his best. I will try to make some new pics this weekend. He grows so fast, it is hard to believe. Within the one week he is in the Netherlands now, he has gained substantial weight and got bigger, taller and longer. Just his scull needs a bit more time to keep up with the rest :-) But his ears seems to be on the right position, pointing to the front, and already up all the way. Last week his ear tips were still slighty hanging down, once in a while. Now they seems to be perfect.
  • edited November -1
    Wow! . Shousei has her full outer coat already, Koshi 's outer coat is just starting to come in. Koshi was born Aug. 8 so she's almost 4 months. :0.
  • edited November -1
    It may look like it but it is still actually thin, but I compare it to the two huskies, so maybe not the way to do it. What I like already is the collar of hair growing against each other. The white you see is growing backwards, were the black hair beyond are actually growing in the opposite direction.
    So agewise they are at least very close, hardly any difference. Is Koshi also growing like crazy or haven't you seen yet any growth spurt? I am affraid within a month or two, puppy time is over. I wish I had an appropriate scale to check his weight on a regular basis.
  • edited November -1
    I've only had Koshi about 5 days now so I can't say I actually notice any growth spurts yet. She is very smart though I just about have her trained in on invisible fence. Right now my biggest challenge is interaction between the three dogs, Koshi needs to learn manners & my oldest shiba will take a shot at her first chance he gets so we can never just have peace & calm. I've got Koshi signed up for puppy school it starts next Sat. and we plan on addressing manners.

    What color would you say Shousei is? Koshi's papers call her black seasame but it seems too early to tell without her outer coat.
  • edited November -1
    I think shousei is red sesame, at least so far ;-)
    Well, here it's pretty quiet now. Shousei has a big bench, where he can play and do what he wants, safe from the boys. Actually, he is always safe, as long as he doesn't bother them. Reno seems to get used to him more than Reno, who just ignores him, unless he gets to close. During our walk outside, he was trying to play with both, but a bit rough. So Reno controled him in a nice way, just pushing him down to the ground. A little peep, like he was overwhelmed but as soon as Reno let go of him, he tried it again. He really is fearless.
    But yes, those guys are very intelligent right? It is amazing how fast they can learn useful stuff. But he is also stuborn. He is trying his teeth in just about everything right now.
  • edited November -1
    Yay more puppy pics!!!! I can't get over how beautiful both Shousei and Koshi are. I think with boys, their puppyhood can go away quickly. I got Koda at nine weeks. He was 7 pounds. By 10 weeks his ears were up and he was either 14 or 16 pds. He didn't look like a puppy by 3 or 4 months old anymore. It was kind've sad. He's 7 months old and the only way you can really tell is those skinny legs of his. He just hasn't gotten the muscle in yet.

    So love on him as much as you can while he's small. Looks like he's going to be a fast grower. It really is amazing how big they can get so quickly.
  • edited December 2009
    Yup, both are beauties, could be best friends :-) Just to bad they don't have their own webcams. SHousei would probably eat it anyway, chews on anything near his mouth.
    Maybe it's more for the male dogs, they grow so fast. But I think, during his time in Japan, he didn't walk a lot just in his dog house or on a short line. But his motoric skills are improving fast. It is so sweet to see, if we all start running, how much he needs to focus to run a straight line to keep up with R&R.
  • edited November -1
    Nico, do you know the name of your breeder or the kennel name? My breeders name is Hisaso Suzuki, the kennel is Ta Kai son. I still can't believe how fast Shousei is maturing , he's really beautiful!
  • edited November -1
    We don't know the details of the breeder. We only know the area, but that's a very big area. There are many breeders, they exchange dogs for making sure they keep the bloodlines as pure as possible. But it is the work of the Egmato Kennel in the Netherlands to select this dog for us. We are really happy with their knowledge and connections in Japan.
    He is maturing to fast :-(
    Soon I will try to make a picture with Reno and Rico in there as well, so it would be easier to compare his size development. Both huskies are very big though. So I wonder how far Shousei will come to match their height. However, he really should not become that large, it would no longer match the Japanese standard. His legs are very heavy, so lets cross fingers it will not be to much in the end…
  • edited November -1
    What area is Shoosei from?
  • edited November -1
    He is sooo precious!!!
  • edited November -1
    He is from the "area" of Kyoto, but more towards the western coast. Still a more than two hour trip in the fast train.
  • edited November -1
    Shousei discovering part of the garden, in between the bamboo's.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, today I made new pics from Shousei and his sister, the difference is amazing after just one week. He is growing away from her, so fast. I will put up some pics, coming days.
  • edited December 2009
    Here's Shousei's sister, on the right. Right after both came from Japan, there was a small bit of height and length difference, but clearly visible. Now Shousei grew substantially, just within 10 days. It really is amazing how fast one dog can grow. After arriving in Schiphol they were big friends (Bro and Sis) but today they met again, but all the love was gone instantly. It was just very difficult to shoot a decent picture of both. Hopefully he doesn't grow to large.
  • edited November -1
    All the love was gone? They didn't like eachother?
  • edited November -1
    Man, they are both really great looking!

    I bet if they had a bit more time they'd be friends again. It was probably just sibling rivalry. ;-)
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