Raising a shikoku pup



  • edited November -1
    Well, they both are really great looking, that's for sure. But the female was very snappy. The door went open, she looked inside, Shousei went up to say hello and jumped a bit, and she was right there with the hair on her back straight up. Than they got into their puppy fight, which actually sounds very funny, lots of noise, very high voices, but it took a long while before they got cooled off a bit. Fact: no posing for the pics, where normally both are pretty good at it. Let me find some pics from their arrivals at Schiphol, they were so friendly by then. It is at least good to know, Reno is getting much better along with him, right now. Rico still needs more time. One more shot of both… their leashes are a bit tight to avoid more trouble…
  • edited November -1
    Wow, they are really beautifully marked! :-)
  • edited November -1
    SO adorable!!!!

    Nico you're so lucky to have such a gorgeous pup ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Uhh I have not been to the forum for a while and seems I have missed a lot :). Congrats on the new shikoku pup Nico, he looks just gorgeous. Guess he is one of the pups Egmato kennel brought from Japan now ah? How old is he now? How is he doing now with the huskies? I did not have much problems introducing Kekko to my huskies, but my huskies are younger also, so they actually started playing very soon after Kekko arrived. I'm sure your huskyboys will be ok with the new pup soon.
  • edited November -1
    Hey Tina, you're right, Haven't seen you in a while…
    Thx for the congratulations, we are very happy with Shousei. And guess what, he is even better looking now. Somehow, his pattern even starts to become nicer. I will post new pics in hopefully next weekend! He is here now since 2.5 weeks, from Japan, and yes, he came with the other shikoku's Egmato kennel got in Japan. They made excellent choises, have the right connections. It is getting better now with the huskies, not perfect yet, but so much better than the first few days. How's Kekko doing now?
  • edited November -1
    You are so lucky to get your shikoku pup in quite a short time and he does look so great. I cannot wait for new pictures, the color of their coat changes a lot and very quickly, so does the face.
    Kekko is doing great, he has developed into beautiful young shikoku. I will try to add new pictures soon, the snow just came today and I would love to get pictures of him in the snow. We have started agility training and he seems to like it a lot. He also discovered how to climb over our fence....which was ok for the three huskies hahahaa...so now we have fence improvement done and Kekko can spend more time in the house, which he seems to like :)))
    So be aware, seems shikokus are much better in climbing than huskies are :))
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that's good to know, maybe we need a higher fence too :-( He is scared for nothing, and goes wherever he wants. He is also really trying out Reno and Rico. I think he is going too far too soon. A few days ago, Reno grabbed him after he just wanted to play with him. But maybe he was a little bit too crazy, so an expected correction. He screamed like crazy and peed on the spot, was really scared. But after one more day he continued his play again. But although this incident happened, for the rest it seems to get better.
    His color is actually changing a lot. The red seems to be going away a bit, which is a pity but maybe it will get back in a while. It's getting cold here as well, but no snow yet. In a few days we have a bit more time and will shoot more pictures. And yes, we are really happy about the relative short waiting time. But there is a real need for new blood lines in the Egmato kennel, they take this very serious. They do not want to breed for the breeding but for expanding the future possibilities so we can build a nice group of dogs within Europe without health risks and with the highest Japanese standards. They are just very professional in this matter, lots to learn for us. We are very lucky living so near to them.
  • edited November -1
    I think its normal the puppy gets a correction from the older ones. Until it does not go too rough I would not interfere. Kekko also got a lot of warnings from huskies and few of them were not so gentle, but this is how he has learned the limit. Shikoku play is very rough and the huskies are not softies either, but I think shikoku is worse in that matter :). The play will get more rough if the pup grows, so I think its good he learns the ways of playing with your older dogs now, as older usually do not punish little puppies too hard, but the bigger they get, the harder it will be.
    I never got involved when they were playing one to one, even if there was some corrections. I only did not let 2 or 3 of them to get to the pup the same time. And at least until now I have still managed to keep all my 4 males together :))), really hope it will last that way and they can solve their disagreements themselves without fighting.
    I know the Egmato kennel is doing great job, I don't know if I would have been able to get a shikoku from Japan myself, don't have the connections and also I don't speak Japanese :(.
  • edited November -1
    I think so too, it just looks a bit to rough for me, but he should learn and understand their language. He simply never stops and continues to bother them until a correction happens. During our walks it even gets worse, but than Reno and Rico mind less. He also loves to go to other dogs as well and play with them.
    I think it may well be possible to get a shikoku from Japan, but Willem's and Egitte's experience is invaluable. The right connections, the right dog from top breeders, and so a safer and better future for the shikoku breed outside Japan. Shousei came with all official papers including the original Japanese pedigree but also the FCI-pedigree. It is not a matter of getting a "better" dog, theirs are already of extreme high standard. It is just a matter of new bloodlines to continu the Egmato standard. Look at your own Kekkoo or his brother or sister, all are so great!
  • edited November -1
    Wow...the colors of Yuu are so striking and stunning! Kurogoma is by far my favorite marking for a Shika. It's just very "shibui" to me (I'm sure native japanese speakers will correct me if I am wrong or used the word incorrectly).

  • edited November -1
    Yuu is a very pretty boy, just around 9 months at this picture. When younger, he was a bit too black in my taste but he becomes more beautyful, every time I see him. Our Shousei is more red sesame, but the next one should be darker like Yuu as well. We prefer to have both colors in the future, although we adore Shousei's colors. His dad was really pretty too. It is very difficult to predict, actually. Didn't I post pics from Tai? He's the current World Champion and got so many prices for Egmato Kennel. It is hard to believe he is their own "product" of breeding and not directly from Japan. But he is absolute gorgeous and a very loverly dog. On this picture he's around eight years old.
  • aykayk
    edited November -1
    How competitive is the FCI World Dog show for Shikoku though? Do Japanese owners fly their dogs to Europe for the show, or has it been primarily Shikokus originating from the Netherlands?

    Has Egmato shipped dogs to Japan to be evaluated in a Nippo show?
  • edited November -1
    Wow he's growing up pretty nicely and the last picture is great he's a handsome looking dog. =)
  • edited November -1
    In WDS this year was only Egmato dogs, I don't think Japanese really fly over to Europe for the shows.
    You are right Nico, Egmato dogs are high quality and I'm so glad they have imported new lines now, hopefully I will have a possibility to have a right female from them for Kekko in the future :))
  • edited November -1
    Today Shousei tried to walk on ice. Yesterday it work well, however now he tried the ice on a barrel of water, pretty big, like 1.5 tons of water. Unfortunately he felt through the ice and couldn't get out. Lot's of noise and panic sounds, so we helped him to get out. Totally wet in the freezing cold, he just continued to play in the garden like nothing happened. But he did need a serious shower, since he smelled like… brrrr. Anyway, clean and yes, totally fearless :-)
  • edited November -1
    huhh...poor guy :)), thank god you were there to help him out. It sound very similar to Kekko's first visit to the sea. I think he was 3 months then and right when he saw the sea he jumped into the first wave....head first, it was very funny as he was surprised also :)))
  • edited November -1
    Wow must been panic in his face when he fell through, but the fact that he continued to play in the garden reminds of me of the wolves at the wolf park they walk on the pond there and sometimes one of them falls in, but they get out and act like nothing had happened Shousei must have some good fur on him. =)
  • edited November -1
    Well, maybe he still is a little wolf :-) But he’s a nice one though. I posted more pics under a new lead: Shousei in the snow (Category Photo/Video Shikoku). There you find more updates of him enjoying the winter weather.
  • edited November -1
    Enjoy the holidays, but why are my balls in this funny tree?
  • edited November -1
    Finally one picture with all three of them…
  • edited November -1
    Hey Nico ,
    Nice pics. I 'm so jealous of your photography skills! How much does Shousei weigh & how much are you feeding her a day?
  • edited November -1
    I don't know his weight by today, but like one week ago I think he was around 26 Lbs. He eat like puppy food, 2 cups a day plus some fish like salmon, tuna, and sometimes some chicken livers.

    Last night, during the fireworks, he was totally scared and searched for a rescue place between to big Italian seats behind Rico's back. It was kind of funny to see although we felt so sorry for him. Reno and Rico don't care at all, so we should have walked them always together.

    If you want to learn a bit more about photography, Brada and I set up a new lead, Dogography, where we discuss dog photography. Feel free to post images and ask questions, even about other peoples dog photo's.
  • edited November -1
    Wow Nico,
    Shoisei is getting really big , Koshi is 18 pounds , She also eats about 2 cups of puppy food per day.
    I've been following the photography post but I am so far behind you guys . I'm embarrassed to even ask questions. I just got a nikon D5000 for X-mas. I should ask this on that post but I would like to know how you catch an action shot,my camera is trying to get focused & by that time ,the shot is long gone. If you want you can answer this on the other post ,I'll pick it up over there. Thanks!
  • edited November -1
    Dave, most of this type of DSLR's have a focus setting where you can choose for single focus or continues focus. In the first setting the camera has to focus on a non-moving subject. Only if the subject is in focus (or part of the image) you can actually make a photo. The compacts than have some serious delay before the actual photograph is taken. De DSLR's can act very fast, like in a split second. The other setting is on continues focus. There you just follow the subject (like Koshi running around) and at the moment you like the composition, you push all the way through, wish makes the image. Much of the quality of the image will be determined by the quality of the lens. Both Nikon and Canon have the motors in the lenses and so can be very fast. However, lenses which come with the camera are not the best for this purpose. Unless it's very sunny outside, otherwise there is just not enough information to get the focus right. I cannot tell you exactly how this will work on the D5000 since I don't know the camera. But there must be a setting for it. One good thing on your D5000 is the screen what can be set in different angles. In this way you can make pics from a very low position. What lens are you using? (This topic actually belongs to the other lead, other may learn from this as well.)
  • edited November -1
    In this photo we can see all three of the boys, so much closer than in the beginning. Outside is kind of close to perfect, inside there is still some distance. I expected a Rico-shousei match, but it is much more Reno-Shousei. Here the 4.5 month old puppy tries to keep up with Reno, obviously not ready yet. One is to young, the other not yet old enough. But it makes perfect images, lots of fun in the snow. Dave, these are all action shots on continues autofocus setting.
  • edited November -1
    Where did that rabit went so fast? All 3 dogs involved, so good acceptance in the field. And lots of fun for Shousei!
  • edited November -1
    Shikoku puppies are just too cute for their own good.

    It looks like they are having a lot of fun exploring and tracking rabbits. I like the snow...
  • edited November -1
    If Shousei poses for a picture he looks pretty mature, but with the pics-in-action it is very clear he's far from mature in his movements and looks like you said; very very cute!
    Yup, shousei loved this afternoon so much. It was the perfect weather to shoot pics but also for them. Unfortunately most of the snow is gone by now.
  • edited November -1
    About one month later, Shousei is growing fast. He's 6 months by now. Better accepted, not completely though, but he tries to play and sometimes they are okay with it. Reno more than Rico.
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