Haru (and her puppies)



  • Today is Haru's birthday too (on Chinese New Year)!

    We took some pics of her pups, I just need to move them to my PC and do some PP on them. I'll post them later today.

    As for naming, owners get to pick their name we only ask that the registered name has "Yamabushi" somewhere in the name. For the ones we keep, which will not be that many, we'll just use our normal naming convention (which is to say we just randomly pick a name we like).

  • Happy birthday haru!

    Cant wait for pics...and the names you guys and the other families will come up with. Im a name freak seriously. I blame micah.
  • Happy Birthday Miss Haru!! Nothing like starting motherhood and having your birthday in the same week.

    LoL Brad, I'm picturing a dartboard with names on it and you guys picking the name the dart hits.
  • Happy Birthday, Haru!

    And can not wait for pictures! :)
  • Happy birthday to Mama Haru! Can't wait to see the pics!

    Maybe one day I'll be able to be an "approved home" for a Kai from Yamabushi kennels....I can tell that the Kai army has won me over entirely, and I haven't even met them yet!
  • I'm absolutely dying of kai envy. I mean, I might explode.

    I'm starting a 2-year diploma program this September and I decided to get another NK as a graduation present for myself, so... I just keep thinking... graduation, graduation, graduation. Every time I have puppy envy, I start studying (I bought the textbooks early and I'm reading them). It's an outlet for that energy. So, maybe in 2.5 years, I'll have a NK and a really high GPA, lol.
  • Heidi, I have got the same logic going on right now :) Graduation = Nihon Ken
  • Happy birthday to Haru.
  • Haru chan tanjiobi omedeto!! Yoku ganbattane.
  • Yeah what Gen said Haru! :-P
  • Brad, we need pictures!! haha
  • Ok, here are the pictures...

    Haru and pups

    And the pups...

    Pup 1 (Female)

    Pup 2 (Male)

    Pup 3 (Female)

    Pup 4 (Male)

  • Wow! She looks so gorgeous even after just having a litter! :) The furry potatoes are adorable !!! You can see some brindle on them already! :]
  • They are just little angels ;o) Congrats again!
  • Eeek sausages!!! *dies*
  • oh my gosh! so cute!!!!
  • I'm in love! They are so adorable!
  • Puppy cutenessssss!!!!!
  • such cute little babies. Haru looks like a patient mama!

    Thanks for the pictures, Brad. You just made my morning! :)
  • Frickin adorable! She likes that futon a lot huh?
  • I'm loving the first pic with Haru and her pups, the lighting really brings out her red coloring. Those puppies are just too cute, makes me want to nibble on their feet
  • Pup #1 and 4 look like they got a high possibility of getting strong brindling.

  • aykayk
    edited February 2011
    Ditto on the comment about the great lighting in the photos.

    Does Haru stay on the futon all the time? I would worry about the pups falling off. Maybe you can take the futon mattress off the frame and just put it directly on the ground?
  • No, she has a little place setup on the floor. We just moved her to the futon for the pictures since the light was nice. Her pups so so active it would be disastrous to have them up there all the time (tho she would probably love it). Here is her setup (took this pic with my phone so the quality is not great)...

    Haru's setup

    Her area is just to the right of my desk.

    She likes to be in the crate with her pups, eventually we hope to move them out of the crate and just let her be in the box with them, but right now she feels most comfortable in the crate with them. Once the pups pass the neonatal socialization period (just after 2 weeks of age) we will remove the crate so they are better socialized. For now, we just want her to be comfortable and relaxed.


    As for color, it's really hard to tell, but they all have brindle already. To me Pup 1 looks like she will be a nice dark Chutora and Pup 4 might be an Akatora... but I really have no idea, it's too early.

  • edited February 2011
    All are gorgeous!
    I like their fort in your office, too! Who wouldnt want to cuddle with 4 puppies in a fort? :)

    such tiny ears! :)
  • So cute! Congrats to all involved!
  • @Calia Kai paws smell good. I'm not sure why, but they do. When Koda and I snuggle I always smell the bottom of his paws and wonder how they always smell good after all the crap he probably walks in. :-P Other Kai owners have shared the same perception with me.
  • Nice Tara, You know your addicted to your pets when you start sniffing their paws!
  • Looks great. Did you create the whelping box? It appears they are somewhat mobile already. Some pups are just blobs or weeble wobbles for awhile. These guys physically look quite spry already.

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