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  • xremii~ Haha silly shiba!~ X3 A harness is a good idea to maybe help him do it a little less actually since it won't be able to ride up his neck... might bother him a little less. I might have to try out the whole harness thing. I've never trained…
  • Awww!!! Kuma is sooo handsome!!!!! I want him!! lol the pictures of him at the park are too cute. I adore the super excited run/hop goin' on :3 I loved watching him in the ring too~ Seems standing completely still must be a tricky thing to learn.…
  • I love that last pic where she has a bit 'o snow on her nose!~
  • Great!! can't wait, it's super cute~ like he has water in his ears... only not. Hopefully he'll do it a little less frequently lol every 5 steps gets to be a bit much Those concerned eyebrows make him hard to read, so stoic :O I didn't expect th…
  • It's not 'goofy' but cute. Hopefully soon I'll catch him sleeping goofy!
  • I have been looking for Shiba Clubs in the US and in my state, Indiana, :( I've been Googleing Shiba Inu clubs and communities for both the internet and in real life but haven't really found anything other than this amazing forum site. I haven't t…
  • Awwwww!! I'm jealous~ I wish there was some snow where I'm at. Its snowed a couple times but none of it stays :( Congrats on the day off ^.~ lol Snow Days win!!
  • My dog before Hiro cried and barked and went nuts when he was in his crate. It was awful really. I tried covering the crate with a blanket and putting it in a spot where he'd be less likey to hear and smell people close by and none of it worked. …
  • lmao @ the Santa PAWS name *knee slap*
  • I think it's kinda cute/funny lol. It's not exactly a natural thing to teach a dog to speak either. They generally start to do it when they're frustrated at first then just learn to do it on command with little to no emotion involved. Same with t…
  • Zinja : That sounds perfect!!! I'm getting all excited now lol ^________^
  • I'm definitely going to go and glimpse a bit of a session at Petsmart. Great idea. Either way, unless I'm totally unimpressed with the level of training they offer, I'll probably end up doing it thanks to all this input ^_^ can't hurt! I mostly …