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  • Half of them from one person? Newly pulled rescue? That can only mean Michele Muse was there! I'm going to have to drag myself out to Long Island for a meetup one of these days - looks like fun!
  • Kristin - PS Thanks for volunteering. I'm getting ready to send out a plea to volunteers and meetup members actually... we need some new volunteer blood. If you want to get more involved, this is the time to do it. :)
  • He had one sister (the reason for the litter) and two brothers. I have litter pics at home. They were all black and tan little butterballs. I got lucky with Snick... he had the best ticking and the strongest front and would have been the breeder's p…
  • More fun with SPAM. A friend of mine took this vid when she was pup sitting Snick a few months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKh9SS7l_yw
  • Thanks Brandon. I get SO frustrated answering questions there. I'll do it for a few weeks and then take a couple weeks off and then go back. lol. I should check it again soon actually.
  • Nicole - my time in Indiana was short lived. :) I'll be back to visit occasionally though, so if you don't make it to NYC maybe we'll meet in Indiana. It's too bad the Shiba meetup there didn't survive when I left! Beth - I'll tell Snick you said …
  • Thanks guys. He's my honey. :)
  • I have two "in my pack" but only one in my heart, if that makes sense. Snickers is like my doggy soul mate. Nothing compares. I love Secret too, but she's really my daughter's dog. Our pack = 2 ppl and 2 Shibas. :)
  • Aw, Jen, thank you. :)
  • Aw, Milo! I love seeing happy NYCSR alumni. :) All these exotic and interesting names... <sigh> I wanted to give Snick a Japanese warrior name of some sort, but my daughter (who was 10 at the time) was determined to name him after candy or fo…
  • I have to say black and tan all the way. :) I do love my little red girl, but...
  • I echo the "more exercise" sentiment. When Snickers was young we spent well over an hour outside EVERY morning before I went to work plus two shorter (30 minutes or so) walks each evening. He also went to doggy daycare - at first 3 times a…
  • I was sure this was going to be a thread about training RECALL. Shibas. Training against instinct. Seemed logical. LOL
  • Snickers was stung by a bee - in the mouth - a few years ago also. He had a fairly severe allergic reaction and had to go to the vet.
    in Bees in spring Comment by jenna May 2009
  • She's a longstanding NSCA member and a very nice person. She's a "yes."
  • Brad - I'm in love with the pic of Blue on the blog. I just saw it and wanted to comment, but... no comments on the blog? I've known a few adult Cane Corsos but never met a puppy. That pic is just SO CUTE!
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  • Thanks to everyone for all the welcome messages. :)  I'll do my best to make this one of my regular stops each day.
  • okiron: It is true that my points will NOT change the fact that you may be attacked by some rescue people for purchasing animals from breeders. I wasn't addressing that possibility though. What I was referring to was "(besides pro-rescue people…
  • brada1878: thanks. I know you told me about this forum ages ago and somehow I forgot to mosey over and sign up!
  • tsukitsune: In the interest of being diplomatic, I have a personal policy of not publishing my opinions about specific breeders in public forums. Feel free to drop me an email at jenna at nycshibarescue dot org JessicaRabbit: Thank you. :)
  • Hi... I just joined the forum after reading this thread. (It was pointed out to me during an email discussion regarding Icewinds "mini Shibas.") Anyway, I wanted to comment on a couple things. Not sure how to thread my replies under the p…