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  • i've never thought about using PB! I am currently bribing Aiko with cheese which doesn't always work 100% of the time.
  • Aiko also has the band around her tail AND a very white tip on her tail! One of my sister's friend has a dog (i don't know what breed) that when you say "bang bang" the dog plays dead. haha that seems like a fun one to teach although i ha…
  • Sorry for the off topic question? Whats a good dog food that is not commercialized? Aiko has been on innova puppy food since we got her at 8 weeks and I was wondering if I should change it.
  • we had my little sister hold her favorite chew toy for some motivation. it was quite a group effort to take that picture! :) thanks for all the compliments. We hope everyone had a great christmas day!
  • I would prefer to pick the litter. it was important to me because i wanted to see them socializing with each other. Color and size was also very important. When i got Aiko, there were also two creams available. The two cream were the biggest of the …
  • For those that live in the area (tustin/irvine) there's going to be a meet on the 28th at Central Bark with other shiba owners. I've never gone before but was considering it if i am in town. Will anyone be going to this event?
  • Oh also the raincoat was a perfect fix for her coz she never wants to go potty other than on the front lawn - rain or shine! When its pouring outside the raincoat saves me the hassle of drying her up using a towel. It can't believe it actually works!
  • Thanks for all the compliments :) We got her from a show breeder here in Southern California. Her parents are both show dogs which means she has the fluffy ever shedding coat. She is currently blowing her puppy coat right now and daily brushing is…
  • ouch! i am surprise that the ear bleed so much! i hope Remy is ok. It would be wishful thinking that Remy learned his lesson, however, i doubt it as well!! take care- jenn
  • When i first got Aiko, we introduced her to the crate by leaving the door open so she was able to come and go as she pleases. We left her favorit blanket and chew toys in there. Then we started crating her in 10 minutes intervals and would praise h…
  • lol, too cute!
  • my Aiko is 5 lbs 2 oz at 10 weeks!! Aiko seems to definitely be on the smaller size in comparison what you guys are saying about your pups!
  • thanks for everyone's comment! i guess i'm thinking humanlike because i wouldn't want to pee in the rain!! (not that i pee on the grass when it isn't raining) haha go figure. Aiko definitely enjoys the rain, minus well let her pee on the wet grass!…
  • what a cutie! i'm glad to hear he recovered from his accident!
  • Aiko: beautiful lady little shit aiko girl baby girl woman shiba :)
  • I love this thread. Albert and I were quite taken by the crowd of people that randomly smile and start asking us the questions (what is it? what's HIS name? How big will it get? Where did you get it? Can i pet it? .....) Taking Aiko anywhere is a fi…
  • Here are a couple of Aiko's sleeping position. Is this normal? Haha...