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  • They are registered as the same breed in error by the AKC. As a JA enthusiast I do not consider America to be the final say so on the breed. In 99% of the world the breeds are two and distinct.
  • Leonberger, A mixed dog isn't an Akita, it's a mutt. Not saying don't love them just dont pretend they are what they clearly are not.
  • Here is the thing. If people would have actually read what i posted and checked out Nichibei Shibas as I suggested the questions reagrding her breeding criteria would have been answered. That shouldn't have been too difficult. Instead I get anothe…
  • I never stated that health and temperment weren't important and I am pretty sure you all know that. I find that to imply otherwise was deeply insulting.
  • Linsayt, Your responce was totally assenine and I really do not appreciate it. Betsy Sako is a practioner of the breeders craft and a dedicated one at that. Those of us who actually give a crap about what we produce tend to care about our dogs stack…
  • Seriously, Betsy Sako of Nichibei Shibas. She is in the Bay Area but I dont want to hear anyone who is serious about getting a great dog from an evern greater breeder bitch about the drive! She is wonderful to deal with and she has the best Shiba ba…
  • Let's hope we dont see a Tweenie explosion from this. If I remember correctly the dogs used as Hoachiko are tweenies.
  • I believe this beautiful boy is three years old. He was bred in Germany and is owned by Yossi of Royal Nippon Akitas, Tel Aviv.
  • Here is another pic.
  • I would agree that if you are looking for a "protective" or "one person" dog a Japanese Akita would not be my first recommendation. The American do tend to be more protective and territorial. Plus, it is difficult to obtain a pur…
  • Brad, you have been looking at too many CO. The JA is elegant and refined. No heavy bone required.
  • I would say he is the definition of type. When you see an awesome Akita inu there is no doubt that they are the king of Nihon Ken.
  • If you have to breed kibble fees Solid Gold. IMHO the highest quality out there.
  • Mihoshi (Akita-Inu) has been highly prey driven from day one. Right away she proved and exceptional mouser. She has always gotten low and stalked birds from the yard. She displayed this from the second I brought her home. Very high drive.
  • IMHO it is always bade to answer what MOST of the breed is like. Not the exceptions. Most Akita-Inu are very prey driven. Most Akita-Inu are very independent. Most Akita-Inu have very little true desire to please their owners. Most Akita-Inu do no…
    in Breed Hype Comment by Kissui May 2009
  • Love black and tan's but the darker the sesame the better.
  • That is the best looking Kai I have ever seen. Is the quality difference that huge between Japan and the USA?
  • Akita Inu. They are the Japanese National Breed for a reason :)
  • Very funny. It is neat how silly this breed can be. I love Vokoa.
  • My question as to destroying socks, books etc. are they doing this even though they are crate trained? I ask because that is one of the things I love about Akita inu and crate training. No chew marks on anything.
  • In some breeds every bloodline has had bloat, let's not kid ourselves.
    in Bloat... Comment by Kissui March 2009
  • Almost every serious Irish Wolfhound breeder keeps an unplunged syringe handy. This is something the old time breeders will tell you, that is where I learned about it. A lot of times with bloat a symptoms just don't occur until the dog is near dea…
    in Bloat... Comment by Kissui March 2009
  • Bloat is one of the very worst things ever. It is the most serious problem in dogs IMHO and not enough has been done to even understand it let alone prevent/stop it. I had a Komondor die in the middle of the night with zero warning from bloat. Eig…
    in Bloat... Comment by Kissui March 2009
  • What!? I was the one who was attacked. I was accused of malnurishing my dog! If your going to moderate then by all mean moderate but don't be hypocrits about it. The street should go both ways. That post to me on my Raw thread was totally uncalled …