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  • I feed Mika Orijen Puppy and Canidae All-Life Stages. I routinely switch these out every couple of months and then throw in some treats and home-cooking here and there. She seems to be extremely healthy and correct weight, height, etc. Her coat i…
  • SnF, thanks as well for you advice. I hope that this is just a developmental stage as you briefly suggested but I don't think I will wait to find out as the training goes. I will let you all know how things come along and if your suggestions work.…
  • Awesome Dave. Great advice. I really appreciate it. I am going to look for daycares today and I will work on training her to walk in position as stated above. I always use clicker training with her and she responds extremely well so it shouldn't…
  • Dave, she just mainly chases my shadow, but when I say my shadow I technically mean my wheelchairs. I have noticed that she does mess with other shadows sometimes but she particularly likes mine. She doesn't chase my shadow in a walk, just while…
  • I've added a few pics of Mika sleeping, some are goofier than the others. I also added a new video of Mika sleeping and dreaming of chasing something, or so it seems. Turn up your volume on the video. I know the quality is kind of dark but I love…
  • Brad, I was debating on getting an entry-level dSLR but the prices were about $100 higher than what I really wanted to pay. I wanted to make sure that taking photos wouldn't be a waste of money, and it definitely hasn't. I ended up getting the Pan…
  • How old is Roxy? I know that Mika's coat changed quite dramatically around 4 or 5 months old. She got greyish/blackish fur around her neck area. Her white markings started coming in more and her black guard hairs started showing through a lot mor…
  • Brad, your spam puts mine to shame, haha. You must have a really nice camera. I haven't taken the time to search for a thread on it, but I am sure there is one. Nevertheless, great spam! I love all of the pics. The close-ups are my favorites al…
  • Brad- Thanks for the comments! I would say I was about 15-20 feet away from the bird, but I can't remember if I zoomed 18x or if it was less. I was just looking out of my front door and the bird happened to land on the tree for a second so I snapp…
  • He is adorable. He looks like a stuffed animal Shiba, haha. SO CUTE!
  • Wow, that puppy pic is eerily similar. They were both darker when they were young so they did look a lot alike. Thanks for that pic, though. It brought me back to the good ole days, haha.
  • I'm so glad I came across this thread, haha. I love Ichi! I've always thought he looks like Mika's long lost brother. I think you mentioned earlier how they look to be from the same litter. Nevertheless, I'm adding a pic of Mika so people can se…
  • I love the Tsuki B&W pictures. Cream Shibas look so pretty in B&W. Also, I love the zoomies up and down the stairs. That is some serious talent, haha. Thanks for the spam. Your puppies are simply too cute together! Also, isn't it funny…
  • I recommend Googling "Japanese Dog names" which is what I did. I eventually came across a list and narrowed it down to 3 or 4. Then I tried them out over a short period to see which on Mika really looked like as well as how well she seem…
  • Wow, really nice looking guy you have there Brad. All of your dogs are so pretty/handsome! You have like the ultimate collection, haha. Will Kona eventually look like Mavrik? If so, then I am even more jealous! I am excited to see how Kona turn…
  • Thanks eveyone. Amateur photography is fun, haha. I couldn't begin to tell you how many pictures I have taken of Mika as well as Tennessee scenery. I'm hoked! Brandon- Yeah, I assume her black mask will be gone soon. I notice the red/brown cove…
  • haha, I never noticed that but she does
  • Thanks for all of the love everyone! LJ- I am still sorting out my driving situation and looking to move back out soon. My car that I had hand controls put on actually broke down last night, haha. I really do hope to make it soon, however, as s…
  • Awww! That's really all I have to add : )
  • Great snow pics! I wish we got snow here in Tennessee. We haven't had any significant snow this decade I don't think. So, the snow spam is my favorite. The more I see Shikokus the more I want one. They are so pretty. I am glad everyone had a g…
  • Here are a couple of pics of Mika when I first got her. Shiba puppies look like mini bear cubs. I LOVE it! Great pictures everyone. (Image)
  • Mika used to have a regular collar that she never slipped out of. However, there isn't much chance of her getting out where I live and I didn't like how the collar effected her fur underneath so I opted to not make her wear a collar since she alway…
  • Thanks for all of the comments. I can't wait to get better with this camera and see what i can produce!
  • All of these multiple dog households are making me want another dog, haha. Such cute doggies! I love the one where they are sleeping on either end of the couch. I also love Tsuki's centerfold spread on the kitchen floor. That's hilarious!
  • Mika will simply stand up (a trick i taught her) on the side of my wheelchair and start flicking her tongue out, licking me wherever she can, lol. Her ears are flat and her little tail falls over from one side to the other, resembling a wag, haha. …